Many years ago when my workplace first adopted hot desking they installed a row of lockers for staff to keeping our stuff in, now we weren’t going to have our own desks. I jokingly said, because it reminded me of being in school, that I was going to cover mine in pictures of The Cure and the Pixies. This must have been overhead by the nearby PA of our senior manager because less than an hour later an email came round forbidding the decoration of lockers. She was very much a ‘make arbitrary rules on a whim’ kind of manager rather than a ‘actually manage people and get work done’ kind of manager. She also tried to introduce ridiculous rules over what kinds of food people could eat at their desks which fell apart when her favourite underling walked into the office after a week on leave and oblivious to BreakfastGate eating an unlawful bacon sandwich, and there was gleeful uproar and she had to back down. She was also hilariously fired less than a year into the job, for lying about being ill and then posting on Twitter (which we were all following because she was apparently too dumb to understand what ‘public’ means) about shopping for shoes and throwing parties.
My grade school stopped allowing kids to go up for second helpings of hot lunch because of me. In 8th grade I recruited the help of quite a few classmates and managed to take down 50 chicken nuggets, 2 milks, a pile of veggies, and two dessert cakes at one lunch hour.
This performance became somewhat infamous, and I learned from a friend that they banned second helpings for the next school year in part because of that occurrence.
Still kind of proud of that one. And not sure I could manage 50 nuggets now as an adult.
Is your name chad?
It is not. But if Chad shares my gluttonous exploits then I salute him and I hope he stopped doing things like that in time to be a healthy adult :)
There’s a sign that says you aren’t allowed on top of the bus terminal because of me.
There was grass on the roof and I was curious how they got a lawnmower up there.
Well? How did they do it??
There was a little gate tucked around the corner. But it turned out the sublevel that’s normally out of view is just gravel
A friend of mine managed to slice his arm while opening packages with scissors. His workplace had to do mandatory security training for everyone, hang signs and create a rule that only those who work in logistics and wear a specific overall (can’t remember which colour) are allowed to handle scissors of a certain size.
Beyond innumerable rules at home (no sneaking out of windows, no making potions out of toiletries, no growing mold in the bathroom, no snakes in the house, etc.) once as a kid I had $5 of birthday money burning a hole in my pocket, so at lunch I asked for as many $0.25 cinnamon rolls as I could get with a $5 bill. Although the cafeteria workers tried to talk me out of it, I spent the rest of the day parading around with a huge sack of cinnamon rolls which I didn’t share with my classmates, as I was determined to bring my catch home to impress / share with my family. The same day, an announcement was made over the intercom to the entire school announcing a new two-per-person limit for cinnamon rolls. Details may be off as this was years ago, but that’s what I remember!
So, what was your family’s reaction? What what did your classmates say after the max of 2 rule got implemented?
I can’t remember I’m afraid.
I used to have people pay back borrowed lunch money in 5 cent cracker packages. I still remember the time i saved up about $5 in crackers because of one friend’s debts.
Cages placed over the top part of all skeeball games to prevent cheating in order to get tickets to trade in for prizes. Game room, Mike’s Grill, Lawton, Oklahoma, USA, 1993-present.
Not much more satisfying than climbing a fence as a kid and then finding out that’s the reason they built the fence higher.
And they helped you level up your fence-climbing skill.
No bubbles or balloon volleyball in The Ballroom restaurant at Wakulla Springs Lodge. Honest we were just having fun. Of course the management has changed since then, so maybe they forgot.
Catan: game group house ruled that you can’t play the monopoly card after starting negotiations. I felt like I lost something important that day.
That’s silly, taking advantage of that information is part of the game.
My girlfriend’s dad did that trick once. He asked if anyone was willing to trade stone, and once everyone piped up he played the monopoly card. She was so upset.
Absolutely no hot tubs in the dumpster.
Not exactly a rule but when I was in high school, I’d frequent this high end bakery. Now, I couldn’t afford it, so what I frequented were their free samples, so I went there and ate it.
One day, I brought 3 friends and we all took the samples. Ever since, the bakery stopped having free samples.
The rule on r/internetisbeautiful that you’re not allowed to post generators
No Heely’s in the movie theater. :(
No Heelies at the hockey rink for me. Last I checked, they still had the printed-out Word document in Times New Roman posted up on the bulletin board.
No tickling allowed.
My math teacher in Jr. High instituted a policy that if you skipped more than 3 questions on a homework assignment you automatically failed it. I had been only doing enough of them to get a passing grade. She was a massive (literally) bitch and hundreds of problems a night.