Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Sa, So geschlossen
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!
Thank you
Slightly off-topic, please excuse the question:
I’m new to Fedora (and Linux Desktop in general) and saw the update for 40 yesterday. Is it save to simply hit the update button and let it do the update, or should I take any precautions, or anything afterwards which is expected to reset (settings, applications, etc? idk).
Data and such is savely backed up. That’s not a concern.
It would be possible to argue about all of them, as each has genuine use cases. Just not to the extend they were praised during the hype.
Social media fatigue is slowly getting traction. I don’t have an article or study at hand to back it up, but I read about it the other day. Especially in younger generations it’s a trend already.
Also, but that’s only my personal theorie, i think it’s a trend only among the less-hateful people. Hateful people nonstop spewing their vile messages everywhere is making “normal” people leave, which then turns off even more “normal” people.
The enraged slowly turning (unmoderated) social media into one big echo chamber.
What’s the questions-to-answers ratio to make it acceptable to write “CEO here” in a topic, in your opinion?
How much and what would he need to post so damage control would have been done (and successfull) in your eyes?
Just asking in case I become a CEO and see someone having a solvable issue with my company’s sercice.
Correct, it’s outside the realm of possibility. Because I’m not. Your desire to label everything a genocide apologist doesn’t make it true. But apparently that’s outside of your realm of possibility?
I oppose senseless violence. Attacking a cargo ship with absolutely no connection to Israel other than being registered by British company is pretty senseless - because it achieves absolutely nothing.
You know this only works if you posted a question first, which you haven’t, right?
But I do see a pattern. Everyone who is not in line with your simplistic world view is being accused of being in support of the genocide. Maybe you should learn how to differentiate.
The answer you were looking for is “no, belonging does not equal supporting”.
So belonging equals supporting and justifies destructive action?
Never cease to amaze me. Go Gen Z.
He won’t because that’s exactly how it works. They need a successful delivery to be able to boost their own rating with a fake review.
Someone explained it in more detail I this topic, and there’s also a link to the scam warning PSA.
While quite interesting, the Bermuda triangle didn’t concern me that much actually.
The movie Volcano (1997) however scared the shit out of young me, and I had problems sleeping for days. That was an issue I’d have liked to be solved.
Yes, that would be a Google killer. If you somehow find the money to provide it for free.
Finding a novel way of searching is one thing. Finding a novel way of financing the whole endeavor (and not going the exact route Google is) is another.
All kinds of IPO don’t live up to their expectations. Facebook went down hard back in the day, for example.
Most likely the mic is simply powered by the voltage which also powers the headphones.
But there’s also mics which don’t need voltage to work at all (unlikely for headsets tho).
green colored ketchup
You’re welcome.
Same. Cannot unsee it.