+1 for Bitwarden, wife and I use it and it works well. It lets you securely share passwords for free.
+1 for Bitwarden, wife and I use it and it works well. It lets you securely share passwords for free.
That looks both fun and painful AF. Kicks are no joke.
FYI the bottom link is broken (but it’s easy enough to get there, lol)
Yeah, I feel like it’s heavily skewed towards the beginning of life, but tbf I feel like the cool things you do later in life are harder to quantify? Could add things like:
Do you have any recommendations for a beginners guide?
They can’t exactly answer that honestly.
I don’t think you understand what rural means. There were people who had to travel 1 hr+ by car to get to the local grocery store where I came from. An ebike isn’t appropriate for places where you may need to travel 60+ miles, and/or in snow or bad conditions that might persist for weeks, and/or in ungodly hot / humid conditions that also persist for weeks. All three of those are true for decent swaths of the year in my area.
They’re literally cockroaches. Even Wikipedia agrees: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_woods_cockroach Fuck that hotel, lol
I stopped using Dr Squach when I found out their toothpaste omits Flouride for REasOnS.
Ugh, gross. Thanks for the heads up. That’s a shame.
I have something called Dr. Squatch’s Wood Barrel Bourbon. It’s a bit strong for my taste but it smells nice and controls the sweating better than Old Spice Mysterious Ocean Bits (which also smelled good).
FWIW I see you. :( Good luck with them.
Show me someone saying “This is fine”, and I’ll show you someone who has the privilege to not fear whether they’re going to be blocked out of society for the crime of…existing. This is only the first step to “All businesses, including businesses required for life, can discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals”. Y’all are unhinged.
Yeah, TCL was the front-runner when I was looking for a non-smart TV until I saw that. :( I ended up just going with a samsung and hoping for the best. I’ve not noticed anything annoying, but we’re probably going to switch back to a PC hooked up to the TV with all the subscription problems / price jacking lately.
Probably because it’s Chinese spyware. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/tcl-smart-tv-security-flaws
Okay, and your average person doesn’t have the knowledge to buy ‘good’ cars. Google can only take you so far, and RNG will still fuck a significant number of people even with knowledge. If your system requires people to have fairly in-depth knowledge in a field they don’t work in just to not get absolutely fucked, then your system is shit.
Also, Light. Who TF names their kid Light and then expects him not to have a god complex?
Looks good! :) You’re going to kill it - good luck!
I don’t understand this. What happens when you do that?