If I’m not being waited on, don’t look at me to provide you the rest of your wage. Look to your employer.
No matter what, it’s always the employer who should pay the whole wages even when you’re being waited on
Why is it arbitrarily OK for waiting jobs?
It shouldn’t be, but it’s US law.
An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage.
Fuck this law, and fuck employers that try to skirt around it when tips are too low. Also fuck employers in general who aren’t willing to pay their employees a living wage.
I tip for waiting jobs because I know people work for shitty employers and it’s their primary income source. But I hate the system, not the people who need tips to get by.
Freedom and oppression.
Corporate asked me to find the difference between these two pictures.
I appriciate the subtle reinforcement of the theme here.
In the same way as jobs that have pay based on commission.
Commission is wrapped up in the sale price, not a separate payment to the employee that I decided upon. The company takes payment and then they pay the employee. This also makes sure the employee is not getting stiffed.
It’s systemic, the employees didn’t put the tips screen in the POS system.
The employee didn’t put it there, but they sure do whip that thing around to let you use it fast enough though.
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Yeah, the Mediterranean market near me just got a new credit card reader and the pre loaded software came with the tip screen on it.
Yeah they can turn that off but choose not to. Just saying. Company making the software hopes you’ll leave it on and the business owners hope you’ll pay their employees for them.
Then don’t go to businesses that don’t pay their employees a fair wage. Don’t just handwave it away while contributing to the problem.
How do one know that?
“May i take your order sir?”
“What’s your hourly wage?”
Research the company.
Or just don’t pretend you’re sticking it to capitalism by helping them stiff their workers. You’re directly supporting the practice. You’re no fucking hero for not tipping, and the only people you’re sticking it to are the underpaid employees.
Trust me, as a vegan, i know how hard it is to research everything you consume or buy or purchase. You give up convenience to support a cause you care about or believe in, because those conveniences are exactly what feeds the problem. And trying to find stuff that isn’t contributing to the problem is way more expensive, because cruelty to animals or cruelty to your human minimum wage workers are exactly what makes your food so quick and easy and cheap.
As a general rule, i’d guess that if you don’t want to tip, but don’t want to support companies that don’t pay their wages well: give up cheap fast food. give up most large national or international chains. you’re probably looking at a lot more cooking for yourself from home, probably buying your food at a local small co-op. It’s not going to be easy.
That or tip well because the person taking your order is the person you’re fucking over by not tipping, not the people profiting.
Either way don’t pretend you’re doing anything other than supporting the problem.
What’s your solution to knowing which businesses pay their employees a fair wage? How do I know where to shop? Is there a website which catalogs this information?
Ask the employees whether they feel that they’re being treated well and paid correctly?
They can’t exactly answer that honestly.
Why not? No freedom of speech in the USA?
When there’s no social safety nets and your livelihood depends on brown nosing your boss because most states have at-will employment, then yes, there’s effectively no freedom of speech while you are working.
My solution is to tip well, because not tipping is hurting the employee, not the employer. If they were paying the employees a fair wage, the prices would be higher anyway.
Found the employer
oh go fuck yourself. i make decent money normally, but i’ve also been in the position where im scraping by, and right now im much closer to the latter category, having been recently laid off.
I tip well when I can afford it, but if i can’t afford to do so, i don’t fucking go out. I’m not going to fuck over someone who makes a few bucks an hour before tip so that i can eat cheap food someone else made, im cooking from home now that im unemployed, and even once i have a job again it will be a while before i can indulge in that.
a lot of people seem to be missing my point in this thread, which is that you have a few choices here:
- tip well, to support employees, because US tax laws allow you to pay someone a fraction of minimum wage if you can say they’re a tip-based worker, and even if you can’t just put up a tip jar and pay minimum wage
- don’t go to places which rely on underpaying workers to give you cheap prices, because the cruelty is what makes it cheap
- you live in an area where tipping is weird because everyone is paid well
- don’t tip, because you can’t afford to
- don’t tip, pay 100% of the employer’s asking price, and go brag on the internet about how you don’t tip and you’re sticking it to capitalism, while the only person you’re hurting is the employee.
Most of the above are fine. The second from last, if you have empathy for others, you’ll probably at least realize who you’re hurting, even if you can’t help it.
That last one though just makes you a certifiable piece of shit. You’re not cool for fucking over the little guy and calling it sticking it to the man.
Your ‘solution’ is to tip well which is just giving in to the fucked up american system and supporting companies that exploit their staff.
I tip but only as a thank you if the service was good. It’s up to the restaurant to calculate those costs into their pricing.
I don’t. I actually live in a country where tipping is not customary. Now let’s talk about your problems… Why do you assume the worst in people? You could have said the exact same thing without attacking everybody.sThe world is a large place and things are not always like they are in your neighborhood
You even linked the dogma!
This argument is strange to me, because super-wealthy people don’t pollute just because they can. They do it because it’s profitable…and it’s profitable because people buy their products.
“It’s your fault I’m killing the environment because even though I know my products are killing the environment, you keep buying them so why should I change anything?”
Yeah that sounds exactly like the corporate propaganda I see everywhere
I agree with socialism, but I disagree with how many socialists think it’s a panacea to everything bad about society.
Pollution? Socialism.
Racism? Socialism.
Sexism? Socialism.
Homophobia? Socialism.
I’ve never yet heard a plan for converting a capitalist country, any capitalist country, to socialism. Yet we’re supposed to abandon whatever cause we’re fighting for and instead bang the drum for socialism, because that will solve everything.
It could be argued that, if the economy works in a non-hierarchical way, there are less difficulties to break down some forms of historical social discrimination. This is because, if wealth has historically accumulated in the hands of some white people (for example), those rich people might want to promote racist divisions to frame social issues in a way that their excessive wealth and power doesn’t receive much attention. However you’re absolutely correct in that ending capitalism is not a guarantee to solve sexism, racism, homophobia or ableism. You can look at historical examples of genuine attempts to achieve socialism, such as 1938 Catalonya, and while you might find them more socially progressive than their contemporary neighbours, we wouldn’t say that they had views on gender equality particularly impressive to today’s eyes.
Pollution is a somewhat different issue. Due to capitalism’s need to constantly expand (lest it degenerates into feudalism), it is going to constantly fight any and all attempts to regulate the exploitation of natural resources, and a lot of society is going to feel incentivized to go along with it because it looks like a good short-term solution to economic emancipation to a lot of people. Still, you could also end capitalism and find that the system you replace it with still has difficulties to curtail pollution, due to different reasons.
“can’t solve the problem as long as capitalism exists, so may as well contribute to capitalism while patting myself on the back and pretending i’m sticking it to the man by helping them exploit workers” is such fucking bullshit. “i can’t change the world so may as well contribute to the fucked up” is exactly what keeps the practice sustainable.
you are only contributing to wage theft by deciding you’re a hero for not tipping.
if you want to try in other ways to make effective change in society? go for it. do that too. but don’t hit no tip and then go jerk off publicly over how sexy you are for fighting capitalism.
Of course, it is common sense when entering an establishment for the first time to do a business model analysis to see if the employees are getting shafted.
That is not my problem. In this day and age where prices if food have gone through the roof, sorry, but I usually search for the cheapest place there is. I have a fixed income as well.
Lol nobody cares. I won’t tip. I don’t care to know how an employer pays wages. Let me just eat. I’m also a slave, don’t look at me for salvation.
Don’t work there if wages aren’t paid fairly.
So don’t work at your job either if you’re also a wage slave? Maybe take your own advice?
He means it’s not up to him to make sure the person serving him makes a decent wage. That’s up to the employer.
Everyone who works for a company is a ‘slave’ we are all being exploited, some more than others. But if you make less than minimum wage without tips then yes maybe look for another job.
Easier said than done if you ever want to eat out. So I just tip and grumble about it.
Or maybe don’t work at such a place? Don’t agree to an unfair deal. Quit. Force the employer to change.
Lol.Everyone thinks you’re dumb.
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Funnily enough it could be left as Aliens.
Yeah, basically the only ones that feel like they have to tip are US citizens… and Canada most probably.
It’s becoming a lot bigger in the UK and it sucks, it’s just built into receipts everywhere which makes it really awkward to decline. It’s ulalso creeping up from the standard 10%.
Even fast food places?
It’s not consistent, McDonalds wouldn’t have a tip but tipping in an independent fast food place isn’t uncommon big cities.
Canada is debatably worse than the US when it comes to tipping. In the US, wait staff are paid less than minimum wage so it makes sense to tip them (even though the system should change), but in Canada they is no such exception and the minimum prompt is 18%.
Also, the other day Subway prompted me to tip…
US Subway store point of sale systems are asking for tips as well now. It’s really off putting. I hope no one starts tipping there, it’s already too expensive for what you get.
No need to feed to the problem with this business practice. I only tip those with occupations that have already required tips prior to the pandemic. It’s like the existing nuclear pacts. No one is allowed to start obtaining nukes if they didn’t have any before!
While Canada has no explicit exception to the minumum wage law, the minimum wage in Canada is still laughable and is absolutely not survivable for how expensive living here is.
Though the solution here is not tipping, which ignores every other customer service and “”“unskilled”“” labour worker that isn’t in food service. It should be raising the minimum wage to a post inflation value that reflects current costs of living, and committing to continuously updating it so it stays even with inflation and rising costs in general (not unheard of, some European countries for example use a formula to calculate every year’s minimum wage based on current inflation and cost of living). Actually, we shouldn’t have a single national minimum wage but one depending on where you live so it reflects your actual survival expenses. Both Vancouver and Vanderhoof enjoy fast food and coffee shops but the employees in the former have a much harder time living in the city they work in than the latter despite doing the same work and making the same contribution to their fellow residents (or if nothing else, they do more work in a larger city with more people while not being able to afford the larger city).
And yeah, Subway’s been doing that for a while, at least in the part of Canada I am.
The US where it is ethical to barely pay your employees
The Czech Republic does. Don’t know how common it is in other European countries.
Germany does. I tipped 15% my first time at a german restaurant (because waitresses there have the same minimum wage as any other worker and the reason I tip 20% in the US is because they only make $2/hr here) and the waitress literally asked me if she did something wrong.
Probably because you tipped more than expected. Tips in Germany are usually 5–10 % and not mandatory. Traditionally the bill was rounded to the next whole number, and the tip was the difference.
Interesting, that’s certainly possible. But why would she think she did something wrong if I tipped more than she expected?
Tbf I’m not used to waitstaff commenting at all on tips, it was weird to me just that she watched me press the number on the card reader and then said something about it.
The worst part is that many businesses are introducing this tipping scheme.
I hate how tipping is now customary at every single restaurant now, including places without servers.
Just wait until you visit a restaurant that automatically adds 18% gratuity then also expects you to tip on to of that.
Yeah I’ve been to a restaurant (a few weeks ago) where the bill included a line item that said something like “18% hospitality fee - to ensure our workers are fairly compensated, this is not a tip”
Like WTF.
If it was disclosed anywhere on the menu, I didn’t see it.
Been there, won’t return.
Even a large party… We brought you business, so you lower your service standards?
Fuck that. Pay your staff.
Also, it’s uh, racist. https://archive.is/20230906072713/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/minimum-wage-racism.html
Oh you sweet summer child. I’m not talking about the “large group” gratuity (which is also bullshit)… I’m talking about restaurants that are now adding an 18% gratuity for every bill - even if you just came in to have a drink.
Sounds like a good reason to pay the bill with the CC and dispute it as fraud after the fact. Chargebacks hurt businesses.
The “fuck you pay your staff” sentiment is very valid, however, you shouldn’t reward a business that doesn’t pay their staff well with your money. The reality is, every single restaurant pays their staff a slave wage for the work they have to perform. Even chain restaurants work their employees like dogs. People who excel in the restaurant biz are hard working mfers.
Yeah. That’s actually the “fuck you” part, as in, I’m not returning. As it is, I rarely eat out, partially for this reason, partially because inflation is painful.
That’s when I just let them have the hole they dug. I’d normally at least tip 20% (usa of course.)
I get that the service staff has little to no control over this charge, but I got it earlier tonight on a party of two. No extra service, no check-ins, no waters, nothing other than “here ya go.” They even had a QR code to order and pay with phone number, email, and address requirement even though I’m out of town on a one off drop in.
You know, if they include a mandatory fee, it gets taxed too. So that 18% gets sales taxed on top of it, bringing it close to 20% anyway. You end up paying the same amount and the government just gets more. Overall dumbbbbb
Okay, that’s insane. Part of the social contract we have in tipping culture is that your server is supposed to be a superstar. Crazy nightmare dinner rushes aside, no waters???
The best is when they add the percentage POST TAX!!!
But that’s literally what the gratuity is for. Conscientious restaurants want to make sure their staff gets a little something something from a large party, auto grats are for that reason. If they expect a tip on top of that, something is wrong.
Some restaurants are now starting to do this for every bill - not just for large groups.
If a restaurant owner won’t pay their staff enough without tips, that’s the real problem.
If a restaurant owner can’t
That’s a funny way of spelling won’t.
You’re right. Editing my post
Just reading this makes me angry. Bravo.
I keep hearing this, but I’ve never encountered it. Still only given a tip screen on debit machines at regular sit down restaurants. Never once seen it in a fast food or retail environment.
If some fucker tries to guilt me into tipping in Europe like this, they get “no tip”, then a 1 star review on Maps and TripAdvisor explaining exactly why they spoiled my experience
In the US we obviously have had the problem of tipping for some time, but it was covid that sent everything completely off the rails. Once lockdown started, you starting tipping places even though you weren’t dining, and then even places where I wouldn’t have tipped before, if they asked for a tip I was usually giving a tip out of sympathy, and so on. And then lockdown ended but these things never went away. They came in under the radar at a time when nobody would protest the idea.
The problems with tipping culture aside, the eyes in this strip are just perfect. I love it.
I was thinking the same thing. So much is conveyed just by the eyes.
I don’t understand how it could ever become acceptable for wages to be paid directly by the customer rather than by the company.
My rule of thumb: if they would refill my drink then this is a tipping place. Non-food places are judged case by case. The rest are laughed at and I do my best not to come back.
I’m a school bus driver and we get tipped (at Christmas and the end of the year). It’s fucking ridiculous. One of my coworkers last year even handed out tip envelopes to the kids - and got suspended for it, fortunately. Imagine being a parent and seeing that bullshit when your kid brings it home.
I don’t throw away the gift cards, of course, but it genuinely means a lot more to me when I get a hand-written card from one of my kids (especially if it’s not accompanying money).
BBQ place I go to asks for tips at the checkout counter where you order food and pay. Then you get a number. They bring your food out and bus the table when you’re done. But that’s it. You get your own drink, condiments, cutlery.
I cannot for the life of me figure out why I would tip before any service is rendered and there’s no way to tip after.
Ridiculous. I wouldn’t feel comfortable eating there. I get it, it’s supposed to guarantee a tip for your server, but that’s breaking the tipping social contract. I don’t know if your server is actually good at their job. Not only that, but it doesn’t sound like you ever receive service in this place.
They aren’t servers… It’s just kitchen staff / cashiers that walk around every few minutes. At least they’re making more than $3/hr. But yeah… I don’t really call that service. The food got insanely expensive about a year ago too, so I stopped going there.
I think the only people who can be defensible over American style tipping in this day and age are people with an uncommon degree of wealth and are patrons of specialty boutiques who likely never frequent places operated by your average wage earner.
So you know, wine country vegan artisan type shit. The $800 dollar hair salon appointment holders. The $60 dollar tequila shot buyer.
And while they can be defensible over their tipping, it often is the case they themselves are not defensible in their economic participation.
I’d say that when you buy overpriced shit you’re especially exempt from tipping, since you already tipped through the ridiculous markup.
I dont eat at resturants and I dont cut my hair so the only people I tip are tow truck drivers.
Why the f would I tip my barber? I’m already paying him for the haircut!
I had a $20 to the korean lady who buzzes my head. The $5 tip for the $15 haircut is easier than navigating change. Keeps the flow moving ao she can just yell next and we’re good.
Barbers generally have to rent chairs in salons, so a massive chunk of the fee you pay them goes directly to the salon owner.
Really? I’ve never heard of barbers having to rent chairs. Where I’m from they’re employees of the barbershop and get payed an hourly wage.
Then wtf you mean? If they payed by the hour then you did NOT just pay them for the cut. You paid they’re employer.
I payed the establishment for the service. The barber is payed a fair wage by the barbershop and did exactly what his job requires. Why is a tip necessary?
In those perfect circumstances, it isn’t. The world we live in is far from that.
Yes. But what does that have to do with tipping?
I was raised to do that. Did it for decades. 🤷♀️
I’ve never understood tipping your tattoo artist. It’s like tipping your physical therapist.
You should just make your fees be exactly what you want to make.
Many times shops dictate fees. If you are getting tattooed by the owner of the shop, their fee might be exactly what they take home at night, in which case, I don’t feel compelled to tip, but if you were tattooed by one of their artists, I’d tip. They pay the shop owner to work there in many cases.
Do you still use 15-20% of the cost, or something more flat-rate? Tipping for tattoos surprised me, because factoring in a tip% can really change how much money I need for a more expensive tattoo, especially when it’s cash only.
I don’t get tattoos. But if I did, I might. Is that a thing?
Yes. Same thing with hair salons. Many tattoo artists are regular working class people who pay money to the shop owner to be able to have a chair/bed to tattoo people on.
I feel this so much.
I don’t tip, ever, even if the service is good. No one tips me at my job regardless how I do it.
Fill that coffee at least 5 times
What is your daily intake of waiter spit by volume?
I don’t live in the US BTW.
I’ll whip some ass if there’s spit I tell ya what Hell I know where that business lives
I am sorry, I am not tipping 2$ for people to turn around and get my coffee from a tap.
Tipping waiters will be my final compromise with tipping culture. I never order delivery from app because I refuse to be forced to tip the delivery person after being charged delivery fee and serivce fee. I also do not tip countertop worker.
In Canada they don’t have a “no tip” option any more, instead you have to click $ or % and put in 0. So what I do is I type in 0000 so they hear four inputs and think they’re getting at least 10$ even though i’m not tipping at all.
It should be illegal to not have a clear NO TIP button. I feel like we could easily legislate that if our politicians weren’t all spineless worms
We have a housing crisis and their solution is to build more rental properties. Yes, most of our ruling class are landlords, how could you tell??
As it should be (the response, not the asking for a tip. they shouldn’t even fucking ask)
I’ve started giving 1 star review for anyplace that does this. Especially if before I’ve even received my food. Please join me… They use shame and guilt as a weapon. We can also