It’s finally habbening.
It’s finally habbening.
That’s obviously true and not the target of the research.
I heard the latest research is indicating that we use the same amount of energy each day, no matter what activity we are doing. Thus gaining or losing weight is a matter of controlling what we eat. Bigger people eat more and smaller people require less food.
Why is my dog going nuts? Another victim of AI slop.
Well it helped petroleum products for a while.
If you think about, the benevolent dictator model of governance is pretty much the best type of hierarchy. It avoids the indecision of a democracy, the corruption of oligarchy and the tyranny of autocracy.
Rare to see examples of this form, especially at large scale. One notable exception is Thailand, a country that is one of a handful that has never been colonised. The Thai people revere their king but they also have a democratic process, which occasionally comes under some corrective influence, backed by the army. It’s definitely not a tyranny but it’s not a democracy either.
Comparing people is unhealthy and the road to depression. It’s easy to imagine something we don’t like about ourselves that we cannot change, no matter how much money we have.
Money breeds resentment and invites corruption. Whenever we introduce money into a relationship, it imperils friendship and creates conflicts of interest. Money cannot buy your love. People who love money are ugly, no matter how good they look.
The pattern I’m seeing is a corrupt government not to be trusted. You have a fraudster in charge and his henchmen are Nazis. The fact that those agents were convicted of stealing money is not a good sign.
The judicial system in America is obviously not about what is written in their legal statutes or the veracity of the evidence presented. Otherwise war criminals, fraudsters and rapists like Bush, Cheney, Trump and Clinton would be in prison. It is about advancing an agenda for a white male US hegemony and that explains most of the outcomes, e.g. black people being enslaved in prison. Ulbricht thumbed his nose at the establishment and they got pissy. Assange and Snowden revealed their crimes and they hunted them to the ends of the earth. The CIA and their stooges, the Swedes, fabricated a rape allegation against Assange that was quietly dismissed, unfulfilled, seven years later. This establishment will stop at nothing to assert their authority and you wonder about evidence in the Ulbricht case?
No. The evidence against him was fabricated because they didn’t have any evidence.
We form opinions and feelings about places we’ve never visited. I get the sense that much of the vitriol directed at the current international villains e.g. Russia, China, North Korea comes from a place of ignorance and is shaped by news media.
Stop circlejerking the USA assholes. While the CCP system is not great, it’s better than a duopoly totalitarian dictatorship.
Is your SO George Orwell?
Learn about the main psychological disorders. There are many resources online that describe the DSM in plain language. Figure out if you identify with some of the symptoms of a particular disorder. Seek out a therapist who deals with the particular disorder.
Well, that was my method. Doctors and therapists can help us but ultimately we have to heal ourselves.
Would make a decent paperweight.
I used to love digging holes in the beach and unearthing hidden treasures like cigarette butts.
Jokes on you, I smell like a vagrant
I really believe the things I say.
Self post obfuscated links and references to Lemmy.
Make it enough of a challenge that only the curious users are sufficiently motivated.