Some might say this is pop art
Some might say this is pop art
So… Have you replaced your toothbrush yet?
It’s just the sauce that’s different and it’s not that good. You’re paying more for a worse off burger.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I recently got to experience this glorious moment, and I feel this is the appropriate post to share it in.
He may actually be huge but anyone would look big when you’re sitting next to a very small man.
63000 saved?? Yeah sure. Just checked my bank account and I got a whopping $27 in the savings account.
From the looks of that close up shot, it appears the copy is printed directly onto the case. Most inks do not like an alcohol based solvent. Sometimes even something as week as windex is enough to start removing ink. I’d give it a try in a small area to see how it affects the TPE and if all else fails, slap a sticker over it!
I still use that line at least every other month.
Ahh you see, in America corporations do count as people!
Seriously though, as someone who has been personally affected by a US mass shooting, the ban can’t come fast enough but I know it’ll never happen without a massive overhaul of our political system which I don’t see happening anytime soon…
If the chicken breast was boiled, I believe it could get whiter.
I got one yesterday when I came back from lunch.
Don’t forget the left handed screw driver!
I received a drawing a few months ago that had the following dimensions called out: 1/8", 2/8", 3/8", and 1/2". This one hits a little too close to home.
You hear that boy, the shit winds are a blowin.
Diddy gunna diddle
Look at the opposition. Someone who openly encourages Israel to continue their genocidal campaign.
Yes, it’s a lose/lose situation, but statements like yours completely ignore what would be taking place should trump win. It is not a better situation.
Yes, yes I have.
I remember back in elementary school going over to my friends house after school to play this game all the fuckin time. HoMM 3 was the shit homie!
I grew up with pineapple, canadian bacon, and black olives. So good but hard agree. So easy to mess up if the ingredients are sub par.