These are just the basics too.
These are just the basics too.
Convincing a captcha that I’m smarter than an AI is getting hard
Afraid of some competition, I see.
You are stronger than me. Be free
Remindme: another 20 years
Weirdly intense and antagonistic internet communists.
Like, picture that guy you avoided conversations with when you were 19.
Yep. I’m doing it right now.
This is the answer. It comes with the territory when you have a demographic that is nerdy and terminally online.
This demo has more pros than cons, but I do find myself using the “block community” option liberally.
You were one class off from greatness
But he promised those pics were just for him!
It’s why I’ve found myself gravitating to the less defederation-happy instances. But a new user wouldn’t know to do that.
Counterpoint: new users who don’t know the ins and outs of the fediverse might join an instance at random and see significantly less content.
Sorry, no. I took this meme from elsewhere
Don’t tell it. I’ve been hiding from it for years!
Damn, I’ve based about 60% of my life on it and figured that would be enough.
Oh whoops, I thought this was a parent comment and was replying from my inbox. Haha, I wasn’t trying to troll.
Jeans were ahead of their time
It’s the only redeemable soda.