I believe this meme is what’s given him the most publicity, so, yeah we should def use a different template
Literally didn’t exist before the meme.
I bet no one has changed his mind about being an abusive piece of shit to the heavily pregnant women in his life. Pretty sure that’s baked right in.
Wasn’t that Crowder? He definitely hasn’t changed his mind. He’s still an obnoxious shit-show host, last I checked. Or did I miss some news?
what happened? I mean from what i know of the guy I hope it was at least mildly unpleasant, but did something actually happen to him?
No. Hes just still a wife beater and a general “everything hurts my feelings”-loser
Is he still living with his wife?
No he walked out on her and the kids, retained a divorce attorney then got enraged when she initiated the divorce… after finding out he was planning on divorcing her. Then someone leaked that video of him yelling at her while she’s 8 months pregnant to put medicine on their dog. At least he burned the 50 million daily wire offered him, I wonder how that’s going for him.