No more boomerposting
No more boomerposting
My house was broken into last Christmas, just about a year ago exactly. I understand what you mean, it feels like a violation of your space in the most personal way, even when you weren’t there to witness the deed. It sucks. All we can do is pick up the pieces though- give the car interior a good clean, maybe a long with some of the things rummaged through. Also think about what you can do to prevent the situation going forward- not to victim blame at all, but there are usually concrete things that one can do to protect against stuff like that. For example, making extra sure to lock all doors/windows and leaving the car in a well-lit area.
I’m sorry that happened to y’all, but take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your experience.
Upvoted for Bobson Dugnutt
Yes. We have to persist through the horrors, thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth
Not existing is neither bad nor good, existence is the experience of both good and bad things. Don’t only focus on the bad ones.
Drake of the 99 Dragons lookin’ ass
Thanks for the insight, Professor
You say this like it’s impossible to do both of those things at the same time?
As opposed to continuing to bring the thief food?
10/10, would take this meme all over the Mojave
Sorry Jill, try in another 4 years
If he was a good guy he probably wouldn’t have come to power in the first place.
Commenting and bookmarking for future updates. Thanks for your work!
For a video game, either Disco Elysium or Return of the Obra Dinn. Unforgettable first experiences that redefined what games are capable of in my mind.
A PlayStation hack-n-slash from the late 90s called Medievil! First memory of life was walking into a lava pit over and over in the 2nd level. I go back and replay it every few years, speedran it for a while, and recently got the main character as an arm tattoo!
Bro is committing war crimes on these mfs
Hope you’re in a better place now, or at least working towards it.