I’d be interested in the Mooltipass, but they’ve been out of stock for over a year, saying they’re working towards a new unit. Last update I saw was about a month or two ago, saying they were ‘close’…
I’d be interested in the Mooltipass, but they’ve been out of stock for over a year, saying they’re working towards a new unit. Last update I saw was about a month or two ago, saying they were ‘close’…
A lot of them are temps/contracted too, which is even worse. (at least for their warranty/refurbishment locations)
I mean, I walked into the church hall for the daughter of my friends’ baptism and everyone paused to look at me, even the priest. I even overhead “it’s Jesus” from the mother who was 2 pews in front of me.
Seeing the bewilderment and expressions of everyone was just magical.
I think I remember hearing methanol got most of its bad rep (over IPA) because it was commonly produced with the ethanol when moonshine was made by inexperienced people. During prohibition, people would go to these inexperienced distillers because of the low cost (or even try doing it themselves) and get sick.
It is also used to “denature” (make unfit for consumption) ethanol for industrial use to be exempt from alcohol taxes. Bittering agents are more common now though, especially when the product is consumer facing and the residue left by the agent isn’t important.
I think it’s the sole of his shoe
I’m not sure if there would be any DNA as the guy was shot, not stabbed. As far as I understand most if not all of what they have is either grainy video snapshots or circumstantial evidence.
I don’t know what everyone is bitching about, the US is finally getting their first African American president
I’m guessing stuff similar to meth as they are both amphetamines.
Just removing the descending line would work.
With the side on the right, you have to leave a single hair growing, otherwise you can’t use either.
It’s also used as a treatment for methanol and antifreeze poisoning.
There’s worse…
How about Chipotle as cheepotole
Always just call it a car hole.
Removing half the body by cleaving the left and right sides apart.
So they’re refunding that money, right?