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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 29th, 2023


  • I can imagine a classroom full of them would’ve looked awesome back in the day.

    The G3 mouse wasn’t TOO bad, though I certainly wouldn’t enjoy using one today.

    It had a really nice keyboard though. Which also had its own USB pass through port, so you could plug the mouse into that instead of the iMac itself.

    Fun fact: the G3 iMac was in fact the very first computer to ship with built in USB. In fact, the standard wasn’t really finalised until after it shipped. It actually wasn’t a very popular decision to do that, since serial ports were still the standard at that time, and most people didn’t own anything with USB on it. Wild, right? The decision to put in a CD-ROM drive was equally unpopular, since many folks still used floppy disks…

  • They also made some mistakes by accidentally including some victims! I read there was at least a few people on there who actually died in a camp.

    It’s also worth pointing out that ‘suspected’ is quite a vague term. If a neighbour didn’t like you and tipped you as a collaborator, you might very well be on that list despite being perfectly clean.

    Still, it’s a good thing they’re at least acknowledging this uncomfortable part of Dutch history. Some families will finally have some closure/answers as to what their (grand)parents did or didn’t do during the war.

  • Vehicles ‘could’ exceed the speed rating? Man, even my fat ass at a brisk walk could topple these things over.

    Frankly I’m shocked they didn’t have proper working barriers. They should’ve just put up some concrete blocks while the existing stuff was being renovated.

    This type of attack is very, very common in Europe and the Middl-East, so this isn’t exactly an unprecedented method. But also: you’d want to have barriers anyway to guard against drunk drivers or drivers not paying attention. They should be high priority.

  • I honestly don’t think people care that much about a woman running. Because at that level, their gender is not ‘man’ or ‘woman’ but ‘politician’.

    People didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton because she was quite unlikeable and the campaign centred around it being ‘her turn’. People didn’t vote for Harris because she was generally invisible and had to run a very truncated campaign. The fact that both were women was the least of their worries.

    Other countries have elected women leaders with no issues. Heck, you see women presidents all the time in movies and TV shows. Nobody bats an eye.

  • Ha, the slang and colloquialisms are actually the easy part, really!

    We are subjected to an awful lot of US culture in general. We watch Hollywood movies and we get most US shows, which are shown with subtitles here. We also follow US news and events, we enjoy US music, we use a lot of the same services, etc. Basically, if I moved to the US, I’d fit right in.

    We tend to enjoy US culture quite a bit. We might disagree on topics like politics, healthcare, gun issues or the metric system, but by and large we’re like… Canadians.

  • Thank you, we take pride in our language education.

    We learn English, French and German in school, which really helps when dealing with the rest of Europe. Whenever you meet someone from another European country, chances are you can find at least one language you both speak. Makes trade and travel a lot easier.

    I do occasionally slip up when talking to Americans. We’re generally taught UK and US English here simultaneously. Which means I sometimes have the UK spelling in my head, which can differ slightly. For example, flavour vs flavor. Online, I usually try to keep it ‘US English’.

    Yeah, I can absolutely see that ‘District of Columbia’ argument in my head :D You’d assume people at least know that one considering how much important stuff happens there. I’d understand if someone not from the US didn’t know. But Americans really should.

  • I always knew Americans in general were bad with global geography… but to not even know their own states? That sounds insane.

    Heck, in our Dutch schools, we actually learn all the states in the United States. I definitely know New Mexico is a state. Same as Alaska and Hawaii (but not Puerto Rico, which is a territory but not a state)

    How am I better at this than actual Americans? That should not be a thing.

  • ‘Violence is never the solution’ is usually the thing the abuser tells you. Because they know that violence is indeed the thing that gets you actual change more often than not.

    Did talking get us out of World War II? No. Are you going to reason with a dictator like Assad, Hussein, Gadaffi, etc? No. Did the French get rid of their oppressive ruling class through vigorous debate? No.

    And that’s not even counting how many countries and peoples had to fight themselves free over the centuries.

    Violence is not the solution to every problem. But it sure is the only solution for some of them.