You’d think with all that plastic surgery he’d look better.
Crazy Frog 🐸
You won’t learn how to be this swole… from a Jedi.
In a world full of ego-driven megalomaniacs, it is rare to see public expressions of humbleness.
Very wise in this economy.
Does this mean the time of the lawyer commercials where we May be Entitled to Compensation may no longer be a thing anymore?
Will this change when Canada, Greenland, Panama, and now Gaza are added to it?
I would expect far crazier than Project 2025.
Like calling for the annexation of Luxembourg, Nauru, and Lesotho.
They were ok, but I think the cheaper Little Caesar bread sticks were better. More garlic, more Parmesan, more tasty than the Olive Garden equivalent.
My grandfather, a WWII veteran, would be rolling in his grave if he saw the rise of Naziism in this country.
And he was the type of person who would openly call for ass-whuppin’ if he saw one in person.
They consider just being here illegal, thus committing a crime.
Ah yes, the Zero state solution.
This is why I want to become more machine than man.
I crave the certainty of steel.
So we really need then a TLD in a country that doesn’t have or enforce online laws, or a microstate where anything goes. Something like a Sealand TLD, alongside an ISP from the same place that has no logs.
Perhaps someone can take over the Bir Tawil and turn that into a digital safe haven.
A “No-Tell Motel” but for the Internet.
Trump shouldn’t be worried about Mexicans crossing his wall, he should be worried about the Mongolians! They’ve got horse archers 🐎 🏹
Is it really too much to ask for Secretaries to at least have some experience or education in the industries they are the head of?
“Trade wars are good, and easy to win.”
proceeds to wage this war on four fronts simultaneously like some kind of Wolfensteinian mecha hitler
Musk can’t fade into obscurity fast enough.