Seems like you’re the one crying about it. Oh boo hoo, those big mean Canadians.
He/They. Trying out some different instances. If you see this handle on another instance, it’s probably me, unless someone else also stole it from Campaign: Skyjacks.
Seems like you’re the one crying about it. Oh boo hoo, those big mean Canadians.
Are you that fucking stupid that you don’t remember the President of the US levying tariffs against them and threatening to conquer them?
Seriously, fuck all the way off with this “they started it” shit. We started it. Trump and Elon started it.
Fuck off. Frankly, Canada is right to hate on the US.
This is the same shit Russia said about Ukraine when they invaded, isn’t it?
Oh please. What part of what’s happening now makes you think they give a damn what the rest of us think?
Because this is about what we expect from Republicans at this point. It feels like there’s no point in going on about how terrible the Republicans are anymore; everybody knows.
The Republicans are definitely the primary party to blame, but the Dems have to take some blame to for failing to do their job and fucking stop them.
It’s like if there’s an intruder in your house that robs you blind and shoots your partner, and the cops show up 8 hours later, take a report, and do literally nothing else, and act like you’re inconveniencing them the whole time. Sure, your primary problem is the burglar, but I’m guessing you won’t have a high opinion of the cops either.
Maybe it is pointless, but bless 'em for trying.
And I’ll be right there with them, because maybe it is pointless… But maybe it’s not.
And don’t forget gutting the FAA.
Who wants something that costs more to operate (other than those ‘rolling coal’ idiots)?
The people charging you to operate the thing, of course.
Right wingers use populist rhetoric (and tons of scapegoating) to get people to vote for their own destruction. They keep us all fighting each other so we don’t notice the only minority ruining our country is them.
We need to get more young people listening to Robert Evans.
The problem is, they see white blood as “pure” and non-white blood as “tainted”. It doesn’t matter if your cousins are white-passing; in their eyes, they’re still lesser beings because they share heritage with you.
It’s a really fucking gross ideology.
They are our enemies.
Bitwarden is a good password manager. Can’t help with the rest.
But on the plus side, there aren’t legions of “lone wolf” nut jobs just aching to murder you in the name of Dear Leader, who Dear Leader is only too happy to encourage while taking away whatever protections you have from them.
So, you know, give and take.
The question is, at what point is continued membership in the US a bigger problem than splitting from it would be?
California is large enough and prosperous enough that they could definitely make it as an independent nation, but the transition would be extremely difficult.
So he should change his name to Vinny then?
That, and I can’t believe the ADL, of all people, was equivocating on it.
Oh, wait, I can, because the ADL has long since stopped giving a shit about antisemitism and has instead started accusing anyone who protests against a genocide of being Nazis.
Looks like Tiktok wasn’t the only thing that was impacted.
We voted them in, didn’t we?
Canada didn’t fuck their goodwill with “most of us”, just dumbasses like you.