• 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I used one in an apartment where I had my modem in the living room, then went out to power, power back to an access point in my room that had my work VPN built into it. Ran a VoIP phone off of of it and 2 work desktops. Worked in IT at the time so I was using multiple remote softwares and didn’t have any issues.

    Maybe just order one for pickup at a local store and return it if you aren’t satisfied.

  • Well if the public keeps hearing that they overcharged patients 1000% and that he was CEO during 51,000 denials for life saving health care it may get the jury to not prosecute. Which in turn would mean change your practices or it may be open season on Healthcare executives.

    I imagine overhauling their practices and publicly trying to show they are changing them may ensure he gets charged and then they would have to try to float back to ripping people off quietly.

    Odds he walks are slim, odds he walks and they don’t change their practices which leads to more executives deaths is higher from the outrage I’ve seen

  • U.S. Defamation law:

    To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

    1. false statement. ✔️
    2. publication ✔️
    3. negligence proven by not understanding why it was banned from communications just recently on their platform ✔️
    4. harm to the reputation of a person. (If 1 person believes or republished that information they have fulfilled 4 categories.)

    I’d say your freedom of speech does not cover that at all because there was intent to harm others.

  • Honestly I was full go on Caleb as well from the start.

    1. He’s motivated and energetic (qualities I want in the atmosphere surrounding me at work, keeps the energy going and hopefully keeps mine up as well.

    2. If your going to be casual friends with the person you are working directly with. Them practicing healthy habits encourages the idea that if we eat together at lunch or anything… I likely won’t be eating shitty food all the time, but rather a health conscious diet at lunch. Possibly small snacks throughout the day which is awesome to have snacks.

    3. If you make friends with your coworker, those are the things that are being dragged into our hangouts outside of work, or possibly the motivation to also hit the gym or what not before work and get started early.

    4. As a single person, the people that Caleb interacts with at the gym and they are interested in hanging out with outside of work are likely going to be also health conscious/active. So if I am going to meet someone through our friends group… a health conscious, active woman sounds like something I would prefer because I prefered those things in my 8-5 already.