Didn’t even need remote version control. All it required was essential files version controlled in the local folder.
Didn’t even need remote version control. All it required was essential files version controlled in the local folder.
I think they opted not to make any cuts to NASA. It would be a conflict of interest if they did. In the sense that Elon Musk wants them to keep giving spacex lucrative contracts and they can’t do that if they don’t have piles of money
This really just shows how inefficient human communication is.
This could have been done with a single email:
I’m looking to book a wedding ceremony and reception at your hotel on Saturday 16th March.
Ideally the ceremony will be outside but may need alternative indoor accommodation in case of inclement weather.
The ceremony will have 75 guests, two of whom require wheelchair accessible spaces.
150 guests will attend the dinner, ideally seated on 15 tables of 10. Can you let us know your catering options?
300 guests will attend the even reception. Can you accommodate this?
Your comment “This question does not belong here.” currently has 22 downvotes and 1 upvote.
To me that suggests your view is in the minority.
There was a discussion about “ghost communities” a few days ago:
People are quick to create communities but they sit unused, attract few posts and fewer subscribers. Often the mods move on so even if new posts were to appear they’d be unmoderated.
The simple reason for that is there isn’t enough demand. Lemmy is still small it’s too early to be spinning out ever more narrowed niche communities. If you think content belongs elsewhere then report it to the mods and let them decide. If they see a surge in unwanted Q&A topics then they can amend posting guidelines to direct people elsewhere or to a Q&A thread or something.
Creating a new community for one question is insane.
If there’s a surge in questions not relevant to 90% of readers then sure but Lemmy isn’t there yet
They’re completely irrelevant to the average person.
If you want absolute perfection then sure, stick with Chrome but implying Firefox on GrapheneOS is insecure is misinformation.
Is there an easy way of seeing the preceding emails in a threaded format?
I read some posted yesterday that were related but it’s damn confusing whether the conversation has been active in between?
You didn’t screw up, you beautifully proved why the CLI is never a simple solution.
A ghost community doesn’t really affect anyone.
But if people do want bustling communities they just need to give them broader appeal and only splinter into niches when the demand arises.
For example rather than creating a community for a specific British 1960s sci-fi TV show. An existing retro TV community is probably sufficient, or failing that a general TV community.
This answer is probably the best here. It’s concise and answers your questions in a reasonably unbiased way.
A lot of the other answers are dripping with personal bias and a few verging on conspiracy.
24.83 fatalities in 2019 and 25.95 in 2018 per 100 million miles ridden on motorcycle according to the source of the other article: https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/812979.pdf
If we take the value for personal flights:
21.1 fatal accidents per million flight hours
I’m going to assume 125 mph as I’m skeptical of your 145 mph figure.
= 21.1 fatal per 125 million miles
= 16.88 fatal per 100 million miles of personal flights
I’d basically conclude that personal flights and motorbike are in the same ballpark whether you’re looking at hours or miles.
16 to 18 fatal motorcycle accidents per million hours ridden
Personal flights:
21.1 fatal accidents per million flight hours
I’m really surprised at that.
Thinking about it though most bikers I know are young, have good reflexes and are mostly using a motorbike for commuting or travelling which is probably lower risk than the cliche teenage fool on a superbike my mind jumped to.
By contrast, the vast majority of light aircraft pilots I know are 60+, many 70+ with extensive health issues, heart problems and likely comparatively poor reflexes.
corporate aviation – the world of bizjets – is relatively safe. This sector only saw 0.48 fatal accidents per million flight hours from 2012 to 2021
General aviation overall:
9.5 fatal crashes per million flight hours
No, I would agree that comparing by hour is reasonable. Most light aircraft use (in my area at least) is generally recreational. People are flying because they enjoy the hobby rather than because they have a destination in mind, therefore they’ll fly for a long duration but the distance travelled might not be far
Plus planes are checked before every use, and very few people are flying light aircraft in a reckless manner.
I’d be very surprised if there were any stats to backup a claim that light aircraft are as dangerous as motorcycles.
If you don’t want to maintain your own library why does it matter whether it has DRM?
I love how people under NDA always feel the need to announce they’re party to information you don’t have.
It’s such a weird human instinct to loudly assert that you know something but you’re not going to share what it is.
That’s basically what OP said isn’t it?
You see a white dude smoking a joint so you wink at them and move on.
You see a black dude in a car so you put your hand on your holster, immediately your training tells you that you should sense the smell of weed, you approach aggressively make multiple conflicting demands in rapid succession, draw your weapon etc etc.
Later that day you see a white dude smoking a joint so you wink at them and move on.
It’s completely unnecessary. It’s clear what OP meant, the typo doesn’t change anything so pointing it out is simply petty pedantree.
Querying or correcting errors is only worth doing when the error causes uncertainty, such when there’s reason to believe they’ve missed a “not”.