Call me skeptical I guess but if you wanted a phone that worked as long as lithium say 5000mah using capacitors I think it would be a dozen times larger at least.
Maybe I’ve got it wrong and supercapacitors hold more energy or something like that.
Call me skeptical I guess but if you wanted a phone that worked as long as lithium say 5000mah using capacitors I think it would be a dozen times larger at least.
Maybe I’ve got it wrong and supercapacitors hold more energy or something like that.
I’d be more suspicious of the router manufacturer or even a disgruntled worker there than anyone else to be honest. An actual hacker I think would be more motivated to turn them into a botnet or similar.
Can’t think of why someone would want to brick them without another motive but I could be wrong.
I want the blink ability from the Dishonored video games. Basically a line of sight teleport but still it’s awesome in the games.
And I was blown away the ps1 game Vagrant Story turned Into 90mb file as a chd.
That said one of the games I enjoyed most even when I had an Amiga was a 48k ZX Spectrum game called Chaos.
It’s a bit too restrictive by default imo, good for privacy but you will need to change quite a few setting if you want to browse normally.
Despite my opinion it’s the browser I use most on my laptop.
I wouldn’t hide I’d ambush them and call every police force etc I could think of.
I don’t think anything else is really a sensible option except trying to cover as much distance in 5 min as possible and again calling every one who could potentially help.
I get it, ipa is good and fixes surprisingly a lot but only ever use it on boards, components and things like buttons and connectors. Keep it away from screens and batteries.
I’ve always done this honestly maybe I didn’t explain well. It does do a miracle job on water damage if done early enough though.
True I’ve had screens on smaller devices go very distorted for a few days after ipa was used elsewhere. They did actually clear and go back to normal mind you and I’ve never actually went near an actual screen with ipa intentionally.
It’s when corrosion sets in things get unfixable. If you get to its insides before then some IPA and a decent scrub with something like toothbrush can clean it up.
The exception to this would probably only really be the battery and yeah that should be disconnected as the first step.
Pretty much everything AI is a scam, I mean it has its uses but isn’t exactly as claimed yet. Pretty much every non phone AI gadget I’ve seen so far definetly is a scam.
Savertuner while it did make me use adb to grant permissions it did make a big difference to my phones battery life
I’ve actually been watching this guy for a while, it’s interesting his homemade rc stuff etc.
I’m using Jabras at the minute they have much worse NC than the Sonys they replaced. Their one plus point is range and waterproofness but yeah for NC avoid Jabra.
Not sandisk I’ve bought maybe 3 and they all went unwritable in the first year and all bought from major UK stores like argos and pc world so yeah they can’t blame that on online fakes.
Could be I just can’t get over the timing of echolon suddenly being called over and Google appearing almost instantly
That said I still use Google just don’t trust it really I’ve always felt it was an intelligence company in truth and probably the echelons replacement.
Google’s a dumb ass company and I strongly suspect them to be Americas replacement to the echolon program mainly due to the timing.
Seems profits getting a bit more relevant than intelligence to them these days.
Yeah I’d rather go without YouTube than deal with the ads at this point they went ridiculous with it a long time ago.
Not many I’m entirely self taught and was into some dodgy things while I was into this programming.
I started off making password crackers in Visual basic I also let’s say experimented in trojans and taking over the api functions of popular chat programs etc. I used to do some really childish let’s call them pranks of people who argued with me in chateooms etc.
Never went much further than delphi as far as programming goes although I got surprisingly good at that but never in good ways.
I hope they do I bought a nothing phone 1 after reading promises of how they wouldn’t move to another phone until they had everything right etc.
Not only did they not keep it but after launching the 2 almost right after this claim they actively sabotaged the 1 the camera got worse the battery got way worse and thing is now super unstable and I really believe it’s on purpose as custom roms make the phone great.
The company is dead to me but I am kinda enjoying seeing the phone 2 users now complain because they are starting to get the same treatment now.
Zero doesn’t even exist so how would year zero.
Crows are a lot smarter than you would think my guess is it was trying to get you to help one of its friends or something.
I’d have had a good search around the area befriending crows can actually bring you some benifit like shiny gifts, or in some cases crow bodyguards as they actually recognise individuals as friends etc.