Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?
Yeah, pretty likely.
Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?
Yeah, pretty likely.
It was also only based upon a DOJ memo of some sorts for a long time. The “Supreme Court”'s recent decision though makes it seem like the only legal remedy for an active criminal president is to impeach and then convict and remove them first.
Sorry, money they’re actually willing to spend at a store.
Billionaires can’t buy anything at stores, after all “IT’s NOt LIQuID”. 😜
PS: I know that they can buy shit at stores with their lifetime loans while keeping their assets 100% intact, but what billionaire is going to shop regularly at Target?
Every one of these idiot companies pivoting to cowboy capitalism from rainbow capitalism are clueless about who actually has money in this country.
Exactly the point.
It didn’t have to be this way; in a different kind of society it could have been a boon to everyone.
Please continue to espouse this viewpoint even under serious argument from those opposing it. Technology isn’t inevitably shit. There are other types of software we can write, and other types of technology we can develop that isn’t the result of some sweaty CTO hovering over our shoulders demanding that we make the world shittier for the sake of the shareholders.
We have to imagine the worlds we could’ve created through better choices. We have to imagine that we can change the course of things.
The overwhelming majority of software ever written is fucking terrible and causes more problems than it solves.
Since software is easily copiable and mutable, that small sliver of good software gets replicated all over the place and serves as a foundation for other software, both good – and at the risk of repeating myself – and mostly bad.
People would be better off considering new tech as the tool it is rather than seeing every piece of software as inherently better than the thing it replaces.
One nation, under greed, divisible, with misery, and injustice for all.
Outside of the google office would be a sweet spot for a guillotine.
I publicly support deporting this laminated-faced welfare queen.
Wizards / steppers
They suck and I’m tired of pretending they’re in any way a good design.
Maybe optimize your fucking code you bunch of stupid losers.
I am ashamed that I used to be a somewhat vocal advocate of Musk and Tesla.
Don’t be ashamed that you got scammed; continue channeling that energy into being as vocal about how these people are giant frauds.
I was never an advocate for the guy at all, but for that reason I expect that anything I have to say about the subject will likely resonate less and be less effective with people who were pulled in by the guy. You are probably correct that you have persuaded others to like him and a good atonement for that is to be as active and vocal now in opposition. I also think it’s important to include “I was once fooled by this moron” as well because it gives others the permission to be vulnerable alongside you.
EDIT: PS: For future reference, a heuristic for avoiding getting duped into cults of personality is to watch for when something that should be larger than a single person (e.g. an eco-friendly car company, a political movement, a religious movement, a “wellness” movement, a philosophy) becomes all about worshiping some guy or gal. At that point it’s probably a cult, a scam, or a combination of both.
I don’t know why, but it seems like many are primed to believe that some magical guy or gal is capable of solving complex problems single-handedly.
When did sitting congress people become MSNBC hosts?
That wouldn’t allow him to also simultaneously pay low wages.
I read a while ago about someone doing forensic analysis using the heuristic of analyzing follower count numbers. I forget the exact mechanism, but certain patterns indicate that the follower count was statistically anomalous and therefore likely couldn’t be trusted.
I’ve seen better diplomacy from a high school football team.
JD Vance talking about diplomacy and accusing fucking Democrats of “beating their chest” was such bullshit I have no idea where to begin with that…which is probably the point.
How are they going to project the soft power of diplomacy when they’re in the business of firing half of the people that work in that part of the government? This administration, and this country is a sick, unfunny fucking joke just like the heads of it.
He’s a sex yacht connoisseur.
I partially think he became so miserable and politically focused because his dick stopped working.
I think the legal, standing around with signs protest is going to have to have its toothier cousin (the violent riot) starting up again alongside it if we want anything to change. They already painted the 2020 protests as “burning the cities down” despite them being >90% peaceful. We might as well – to reference Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics – fuck being rational and give em what they asked for.