is beehaw related to lemmy?
As someone who is often unable to even enjoy soda because it immediately starts bubbling up and only remains as a sugary liquid by the time it reaches the esophagus, I guess I can’t replicate your observations. Also, I guess I need more water in my mouth before I can let Jesus into it (for a more pleasant experience for both of us)
If only it worked; the mentos would start disintegrating by your saliva and the coke would already form bubbles as soon as it enters your mouth thanks to the rough surface inside 🤓
IIRC it doesn’t; that has caused me pain so many times when trying to generate fractional range
That won’t work tho, you need to make it sys.maxsize//2 to coerce the output into int form
I bought mine through them, it’s very slightly more expensive (less expensive than I’d consider a dealbreaker), but I don’t see anything that’d make it worse than other registrars. At the same time, I’m not very familiar with how other domain registrars work, so I’m probably not the best person to give a review
That may be exactly what I need when searching for some highly technical problem lol
Huh I didn’t notice that. That does sound a bit weird :/
Indeed, an integer is divisible by 3 if and only if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
For proof, take the polynomial representation of an integer n = a_0 * 10^k + a_1 * 10^{k-1} + … + a_k * 1. Note that 10 mod 3 = 1, which means that 10^i mod 3 = (10 mod 3)^i = 1. This makes all powers of 10 = 1 and you’re left with n = a_0 + a_1 + … + a_k. Thus, n is divisible by 3 iff a_0 + a_1 + … + a_k is. Also note that iff answers your question then; all multiples of 3 have to, by definition, have digits whose sum is a multiple of 3
I tried it once a few years ago and it seemed to work fine enough for me. I can’t say how exactly it works now, but there is (or at least used to be) a free plan with limited functionality, so I figured it might be interesting to you
Just to add, some also theorize that new elements may turn out to be stable, sort of the reverse of how f-block elements are a bunch of unstable elements in the middle of more stable [d-block] ones. If that is indeed the case, we may find a lot more candidates to work with in, say, materials science.
That wouldn’t make sense either, because the user literally has to provide them all kinds of personal information in order to register. And no matter which IP address is being used to register, the user still has to pay to even use their service. So rejecting accounts simply because the registration was done via VPN is, in the best case scenario, overkill.
Don’t get me wrong though, I have nothing against them; I just don’t think their anti-spam measures are anywhere as good as they need to be, and their responses towards people complaining about them indicate that they wouldn’t bother trying to make it better.
I get the reason behind it, and support it too, but it doesn’t make a good impression when your account gets rejected despite every information being correct just because you signed up using a VPN (I can’t verify that VPN is the reason, but it has been suggested elsewhere to be a cause for suspicion on their part).
I tried them a couple days ago, got to setting up Hetzner API, had my account rejected a bunch of times, found out Hetzner team is infamous for rejecting new accounts and cancelling old accounts by the whims of their ‘protection systems’, realized the only other hosting option supported by SelfPrivacy is Digital Ocean, noped out of it all
I see your encourageMint and raise you
Commenting so you see your post one more time
Now that’s one channel that’ll always deserve more viewers than it has
Everything else aside, you do see what you’re asking, right? This is basically “hey guys, I know I’m being actively tracked by security agencies (but I’m not a threat, trust me). How do I get rid of these trackers? Does anybody have any tips and tricks I can follow to get security agencies off my back?”. Again, without getting into any of the context, what do you expect to get here? What kind of person would reply with “sure I gotchu, here’s a list of tools I regularly use to keep cops distracted from whatever it is I do on the internet”?