As a person who is considering to have kids in the near future: Thanks for the insight :) Could you recommend books to read? I already got some (hopefully) good recommondations on sleep related books, but I guess this phase is over in a blink and new challenges will arrive.
I really want to have kids for a long time already, but just recently I got into a spot in life where it seems financially and personality-wise an option. For a long time I was aware that there still was a lot to develop in myself. I also wanted to see and do things, which came a bit short unfortunately, for said financially reasons. I am stillt super afraid of how things will turn out, if I am built for the strain, if I will love my kid(s) enough, teach them enough and at the same time if job-wise everything will work. I really worked hard for the job I now have, but it is science-related and tnerefore I will never see a contract which lasts longer than three years. But I just know that I will regret not having at least one kid.