Honey this is an Applebee’s, shit wherever you want.
Honey this is an Applebee’s, shit wherever you want.
It’s still popular because it was popular.
Also, it was simple and modular.
It was largely succeeded by monolithic and enshittified versions of iTunes, which have zero appeal these days. So it’s still remembered fondly for not enshittifying and not trying to build a walled garden.
Well, it is on Android…
But the main app is tightly integrated into the win32 api–moving it to linux would basically require a complete rewrite. DEADBEEF is an example of something like this. Parallel values and ideals, but open source.
There are wine-bottled versions out there. Of course, whether or not output is bit perfect would depend on the wine settings. Bottling it, of course, defeats the point of the program being highly modular/extensible.
Also, you have to remember that a lot of proprietary formats have proprietary encoders/decoders that are incompatible with the GPL.
Shipping Windows binaries are much less of a hassle for the dev than than trying to reverse-engineer everything they need or figuring out how to manage dependencies with different licenses across different package managers and distros with different goals.
tl;dl foobar2000 is an excellent sum of its parts; like Winamp was back-in-the-day. You start changing parts and you get a different sum.
So fewer guns to steal = few crimes?
Sounds like extra taxes are a good idea.
How many mac applications are coded using win32 api?
Put a couple 18650 cells under the hingle like it’s 2008
Also reposts killed forums.
New posters asked the same 6 questions over and over.
Because the food delivery apps pay their drivers that little.
They decided a long time ago people will refuse to do the math.
If there were any cuts no one would ever believe you
They’re still rich tho.
That’s where their arrogance comes from.
Wear whatever you want.
People mostly used to wear cloaks to keep the elements off of them.
Lots of mud and dirt from horseback riding back then–also rain.
We’re indoors a lot more now. Most of us don’t work outside and our transportation, mainly automobiles, are protected from the elements.
As the function became irrelevant, so did the clothing choice.
You’re scared by a lack of boundaries.
I’m scared because Herbie Hancock still looks 20.
We are not the same.
Self-sufficiency for thee.
Gov’t monies for me.
These pants smell like the british isles.
It’s 4 plates for anyone wondering.
Opera has always been do-do and always had a do-do engine. Now it’s spyware.
You say that like a specific technology is inevitable, but it never is. The general march of tech will continue on, but no one thing is ever guaranteed.
e.g. 20 years ago everyone needed custom browser toolbars and now it’s not even possible to add one on major browsers. We eliminated the need for browser features by cramming 99% of what we need into a handful of websites that are constantly refreshed.
e.g. 10 years ago blockchain was surging and today it still doesn’t have a usable application. Turns out spreadsheets don’t really need to be distributed.
Machine learning is just an algorithm nobody understands. If I needed something to give me wrong answers to questions I’ll ask my dog.