Ok now show the stat for alcohol!
And Fox News.
And nicotine
And caffeine.
I feel attacked in this thread
That’s a symptom of too much caffeine…
I know, I have it.
And sugar.
Also I would consider myself addicted. I use it daily, notice withdrawal symptoms when I abstain (no appetite, nausea, insomnia) but I’m also productive, started my own business 8 months ago and I’m doing well, no one around me has any idea except those I choose to let know lol. I’m high all day no one can tell. Its not like other drugs lol
I'm high all day no one can tell.
I’ve got bad news for you bud.
I assure you no one knows but those that I tell lol you are around people every day that are stoned and you have no idea, I promise you that.
I’m just not going to snitch on them.
Wait… You don’t prep your grass like that?
I usually inject the marijuanas
I dip a tampon in THC oil and insert it in my anus. Learned it on fox news.
Unfortunately, this is inspired from a real stupid thing some young people did but with alcool. Goes too fast in their bloodstream and some supposedly ended up in a coma.
I have to believe that that’s a myth. Just thinking about it for 2 seconds makes believe that nobody has ever done it. Why? Tampons have to be compressed inside an applicator for insertion. If you leave one inside the tube, it won’t soak up enough liquid to matter. Take it out of the tube and soak it in liquid, well, now it’s a puffed up, soggy mess. Good luck getting that into an orifice.
It is called ‘boofing’ and the number of people that do it is more than 0. Because of how the body absorbs substances that way, people can get a stronger effect than consuming them orally.
I’ve heard of it, since even Supreme Court justices do it, but it’s the tampon part, specifically, that I doubt.
Yeah boofing is real. I don’t know about the tampon part though.
How many marijuanas?
I tried to snort a line of weed once, almost died. It got into my trachea and I started choking. I should have known marijuana was deadly!
Me [snorting rails of marijuana]: fuck man they don’t know SHIT about drugs
Wait you mean I’m not supposed to be injecting marijuana between my toes
Bro that’s how you get addicted
A teaspoon of marijuana makes the medicine go down…
Actually this guy is just showing off how much extract he has by taking a dab from a fucking spoon. Goddamn junkies.
Dollars to donuts all Fox execs snort cocaine. It’s always projection.
Foxexecs snort cocaine.
Another study estimated that people who use cannabis have about a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted.2
The citation:
- Lopez-Quintero C, de los Cobos JP, Hasin DS, et al. Probability and predictors of transition from first use to dependence on nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine: Results of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011;115(1-2):120-130
It’s worth noting that cannabis was the least addictive of the substances analyzed in this study, almost a third as likely as alchohol:
The cumulative probability estimate of transition to dependence was 67.5% for nicotine users, 22.7% for alcohol users, 20.9% for cocaine users, and 8.9% for cannabis users.
CDC rounding 8.9% up to 10% seems a bit suspicious to me
Can confirm, nicotine is a bitch.
Above 140C weed loses its effect, making this image even better
Did you mean 240? I vaporize cannabis at 195-210 C
Guys guys guys,
The perfect temperature is
That seems really low. I’m not proficient with marijuana and all its forms so bear with me.
But I would imagine even smoking a joint would go well past that temp. And people been smoking joints for decades with desirable effects. When I ask Google what was the temperature of smoldering it said 450 to 700 C.
Granted I don’t entirely understand what’s going on in this picture.
Heath exposure over longer times damages weed. Relatively smoking hakes you less high compared to baking
Inject the marijuana needles right into my bum!
Opiod abuse among hillbillies? This meme… that graphic? Coincidence? I think not.
Liars gonna lie.
I’ve unknowingly injected some wild ass noids in my time. Not fun, super dangerous. The real bad time, I luckily got warned before hand. Ended up copping something else cause there were ambulances everywhere and people freaking out all over the street, so yea, something told me not to. Whew.
Is this satire?
Here in Wisconsin, we still remember the time when Fox News showed video of the “violent Act 10 protests” with green palm trees in the background.
Palm trees in Wisconsin. In February.
Literally no. Just a wild ass snippet of life for you.
I asked if it was satire because it seemed full of outlandish things. Firstly, wtf is a noid? I’m pretty sure you aren’t talking about the Dominos pizza mascot from the late 80s.
What is 'i copped something else " supposed to mean? Your comment reads like an AI got high AF and wrote something to try to sound cool.
“It’s called dabbling, but for users of waxed mari-huana it’s anything but.”
-the scary news intro