How to tell everyone you’ve never pleasured a woman without stating it directly
Pleasuring a woman is obviously gay
Of course it is. Pleasuring someone who loves cock is definitely gay.
Whew! I’m glad I’ve never pleasured anyone that loves cock 👍
Or even so much has seen a vagina.
I hate that I have to know this guy exists. It’s like someone told him eating shit is bad for you and his whole personality is so reactionary that instead of just smiling and nodding, or even not eating so much shit, he’s decided to base his entire existence around aggressively eating as much shit as possible to troll the haters.
I gotta think this guy is just a troll.
I’m sorry but this can’t possibly be real. Especially that last post. This is bait.
This is actually a sequel post! The conversation started with this:
I guess I should start sucking dick to pump my testosterone up. Or something.
This is the perfect takeaway from that post, I applaud you
“estrogenising the body”?
Wait, does that poster not understand that a normal healthy male already produces a certain amount of required Estrogen in their body irrespective of any contact they have with other men or women?
Clearly endogenous male estrogen is the result of the forced feminization of men by big soy, which is lead by a coalition of radical feminist who indoctrinated researchers during the 60s. Prior to the 1920s men produced ten times as much testosterone as today, the excess of which would be excreted as a waxy solid from the glans. That testosterone wax would sometimes be collected and used by transgender men to alter their physiology to more closely resemble that of biological men. It was also used in some Asian countries as a cure for female hysteria, thought to be caused by celibacy, with great success.
The end goal of forced feminization of men by the big soy coalition of radical feminists is, of course, the implementation of the standardization of functional pockets on women’s pants and dresses by men who are compelled to wear women’s clothes. Through no other means will equality be achieved.
I think my eyeballs just vomited.
Well done. golf clap
I remember that one. And honestly that one was more believable but the Holocaust thing is just way too over the top
That’s an awful lot of typing just to confess he doesn’t satisfy his partners.
He Godwin’d his own rant. Incredible . It’s like watching an LLM devolve until it starts repeating numbers. Are we sure this guy isn’t riddled with brain parasites, or perhaps is just a parasite himself?
Dumb or satire?
YesPoe’s law is strong here
I prefer Cole’s law with my dinner
Meh, low quality Twatter bait
deleted by creator
Tell me you’ve never touched a woman without telling me you’ve never touched a woman.
With what he’s said I don’t think he’s even seen a woman
Oh he’s definitely seen a woman… From a distance. Through binoculars.
I mean, I’ve heard of people nor being able to find it (how), but this guy…
Clit is not the only thing this guy can’t find
Nothing more hurtful to an “alpha male” than the idea that the only tool they have doesn’t actually work for women to climax.
Huh. A one-person human centipede irl.
Someone should tell this guy it’s right there. You can see it. And if the women won’t let him touch them, there is always the internet.
Drugs are a hell of a drug
This guy wouldn’t know a clitoris, or a vagina for that matter, if it slapped him in the face. He should breathe some fresh air every now and then.
Being slapped in the face by a vagina sounds like a pretty niche kink
Maybe one of those vagina sex toys. Just a big hunk of squishy rubber slapped across the face.
From Fleshlight to Facelight!
Maybe even Facetight
Man that girl I’ve been seeing is a REALLY good actress then! That or she’s a raging narcissist who gets off that hard to luring me into her feminist holocaust or whatever this dude is mainlining right now.
Wait is this the same guy who posted that rant about how horseback riding is a sex act for women?