I hate waking up and immediately jumping up to do shit
Why is the image so clear but the text is dogshit unreadable?
Probably a combination of lack of space between the letters, text outline, and font size imo
Because I made this on my phone in maybe 3 minutes total in response to my friend calling me out for being lazy in the mornings.
No, that would just make me lose time at the end of the day
Fair play to you OP, for having the ability to give me a headache from far away.
I strive to make everyone’s day just a little bit worse ☺️
But then I’m supposed to take time from the other end of the day
Yea, you’ll still be awake the same amount of time. Makes no sense.
Please tell me how, getting up at 5 (and going to bed at 21) is going to give me more time than getting up at 7-8 and going to bed at 23-00.
Also, I would like to know why “society” thinks you are “better” if you exercise at 6-7 before work, rather than 20-21 after work.
Squinting at phone intensifies
This meme is next level. The font forces you to preemptively make the face you’re going to make when you finish reading
“have you tried not procratinating all day?”
This is the sad reality 😔
My problem isn’t the timing of my waking up but the sleep to awake ratio which is completely out of sync with the 24 hour day. My ex woke up after 5 hours of sleep and was completely fine. I can either sleep less (than my ideal 9 hours) and become a zombie for most of the day, or sleep enough and end up going to bed super late, because I also don’t feel sleepy as early once I sleep enough. I’m just from a different planet where days are 28-30 hours long, and this place is just a constant fight with being sleepy and having to wake up before I feel properly rested.
Funny thing is, that’s most humans. There were experiments done on circadian rhythms where people were put in dark rooms with no clocks or anything to tell time by, and their internal “day” stretched out to 28-48 hours (depending on the case). So, everyone is from a different planet, some are just coping better
That’s interesting! I wonder how much it would change if they still had natural light available but without any responsibilities.
The day/night natural cycle would likely keep them synchronized, unless they already had issues keeping up with the standard 24 hour cycle
Naps. I sleep like 6-8 hours a night usually, and then I take a nap basically as soon as I get home. I find I have more functional time this way, even when I end up sleeping more than 9-10 hours, because I’m more refreshed and ready to go.
Have you tried waking up earlier, so that you have time to relax before jumping up to do shit?
That’s actually what I do lol
I usually wake up 2 to 3 hours before I’m supposed to be at work so I have time to fully wake up.
My biggest issue is that it takes me 2 to 3 hours to fully wake up 😅
This post was inspired by a conversation that I had with a friend about not having time to do certain things like working on my car.
How much sleep do you get? I’ve found that getting 8 hours of sleep and then getting up immediately when the alarm rings is the best way for me to get started in the day; waiting too long with getting up, getting dressed, or getting started just makes me more drowsy and adds mental inertia.
Naturally we’re all individuals, so what works for me may not be right for someone else.
Personally it doesn’t matter how long I’ve slept. I need at least an hour to mentally prepare on how to be a functioning person for the day.
Does that include sleeping consistently at least 8 hours a night for at least a few weeks straight? In my experience, sleeping long after not getting enough sleep makes you feel even more tired the first few days.
This sounds exactly like me lol I wake up around 730am and it takes me until about 1030am to wake up enough to deal with work which starts at 11am 😩
The mornings are better when you realize that you can have some fun for an hour before having to do grown up stuff
It’s rarely about time but rather energetic resources - whether mental or physical. Most of us have the time, but not the energy to maximize it.
Now I don’t have enough time, and I’m tired.Have you tried kerning?
IDK I only get about 4 hours of sleep most nights, I don’t think getting up earlier is gonna go too great for me…
That’s not more time, it’s the same time distributed differently. Does the author also believe daylight savings time adds an hour to the day? Hopefully not.
Your not my real dad 😤