Smoking. Millions of euros of taxpayer money spent every year on those lung cancer patients which could be well spent elsewhere. It’s also an activity that negatively affects not just the smoker but everyone around them.
Smoking is something I truly despise, we all know that it is bad, really bad for you, we teach kids about it, yet people still start smoking.
Do as New Zealand did, set a cut off year, if you are born after 2015, you will not be permitted to buy tobacco at all.
then have a right leaning government win the next election and roll it back
Great. You’ve just made another illegal narcotic, a black market and a way of financing illegal activity.
I’d agree with you on that if tobacco was completely banned, but banning from a specific age, seems like a fairly low impact.
…and as time marches on?
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Nice try, tobacco marketing executive…
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Exactly, and the rhetoric “it pays for themselves” also doesn’t hold up, since there is still second hand and third hand smoke.
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i hate tobacco but prohibition doesnt work.
we should have learned that lesson with alcohol and weed but it seems we did not.
For-profit healthcare.
For-profit insurance too.
I’d qualify that as for-profit mandatory insurance.
Canpt get a mortgage without home insurance. Canpt drive a vehicle without at least liability. Those rates should be strictly government regulated to be sustainable and non-profit.
But if you want to insure your collection if priceless Whitworth wrenches, well maybe I care a bit (Just a bit!) less about insurance gouging.
The selling of personal information.
Making a profit from healthcare and health insurance.
Or even just make private health insurance illegal.
Requiring the purchase or use of proprietary software or formats to view or submit public records.
Or medical. Or educational.
Boneless chicken with bones
u want to outlaw chickens ?
A throwaway reference to another thread on here …. Someone tried to sue a restaurant when he choked on a bone in his boneless chicken wings. The court ruled he can’t sue because “boneless” is just a style of cooking and doesn’t make any claim about whether that meal has bones. …. That kind of misrepresentation, and dodging responsibility should be illegal. All sorts of scamming the customer should be illegal and isn’t
If I can go on a bit of a rant, I do believe in the power of the market to shape our lives, our economy, our society. Conservatives got that part right. But a market is only “free” when everyone plays by the same rules and has same facts and knowledge, free choice. A market is only beneficial when it is shaped by regulators to benefit society. A market is only sustainable when it incorporates externalities. If Conservatives are gung ho about free markets, they need to step up and do their part. While there’s a nice theory about the usefulness of Marketting, the primary use is to lie, subvert, fool, distort the market, and THAT should be illegal
Billionaires. Nobody ever needs that much wealth. Resources better used elsewhere for the public good.
Billionaire’s resources are used elsewhere for the public good. They don’t keep their money in checking accounts.
So why let the billionaire control them? If the resources are actually used for everyone’s good, maybe they should be public resources on paper.
Or perhaps your mistaken and those resources aren’t used for as much good as you believe they are.
Because the system under which wealth concentrate privately, called the free market, results in a steady increase of wealth, improving health, steady reduction in hunger and privation generally.
The system under which wealth concentrates socially, ie is controlled and redistributed by the government, tends to produce mass starvation. It is also associated with government controlled labor camps where political purge victims toil away until their own deaths, or are outright executed en masse.
These outcomes are, ultimately, a reflection of the fact that the former system is based on consent and the latter is based on forcing people into economic relationships they wouldn’t otherwise choose.
Under our current free market system, billionaires get their billions one consensual purchase at a time. Under socialism, the government gets is billions by wielding power at the end of a gun.
In the US slavery should be illegal since ages but isn’t yet.
Unlimited campaign finance
Collection of personally identifiable information on every website ever.
Corporate murder.
Rich people and cops breaking the law.
They should make it illegal to break the law
ITT: people so used to lobbying that they got convinced it’s a necessary evil so that minorities and common folks can lobby as well.
It’s clearly absurd. Many places call lobbying with its real name: corruption. And there are laws in place to fight it. Are they perfect? No. Is it then more effective to legalyze corruption? OF COURSE NOT ARE YOU INSANE?!?
Lobbying isn’t the same as corruption.
Lobbying is informing politicians about an issue while pushing your agenda.
Corruption is giving a politician an incentive to vote as you want.
Surprised to see no one has said cigarettes yet. Not only are you poisoning yourself, it’s harmful to everyone else around you that has to inhale that shit.
In the same vein, driving gas cars
I would vastly prefer that gas cars be phased out. But I believe that this is a bit different:
Cigarettes don’t offer any benefit beyond making you “feel good.” And you don’t need cigarettes to feel good, and, in fact, literally any other option is better for both you, and everyone around you, save for harder drugs.
Gasoline cars, while poisonous to the world around us, also offer us far greater benefits: supplies and logistics, we can carry goods further, wider, and faster than we ever could without them. And because of that, without them, sure we’d pollute a lot less, but then we’d have a far harder time carrying critical resources to more remote parts of the world where trains and planes can’t reach, and people would starve or lack critical medicine.
As it stands, EVs are not a reliable substitute. They’re getting there, I want them to get there, but I disagree with the notion that cars should be made illegal as things currently stand. I don’t think it’s nearly as cut and dry as cigarettes are. I can only hope to live long enough to see a world where gas powered cars could be outlawed without leaving hundreds of millions of people high and dry.
non-consensual advertising (consensual being things like steam discovery queue, where I actively want to be advertised to), “lobbying” (bribing), fossil fuels and friends, gerrymandering (US), the electoral college (US), publically trading your company
Supermarkets and businesses throwing food away and not allowing people to take it for free. (“If I can’t sell it nobody can have it”).
Would only work if you also made them immune from lawsuits due to people getting sick from eating expired food.
they already are under the good samaritan laws; they use lawsuits as an excuse for their shitty behavior.