Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
Such a nightmare… i suppose we can describe this as :
(hypothesis #1) : Stupidity increasing up to a breaking point where it’s no longer sustainable and kids start to die again.
(h #2) : this increase in stupidity is not necessarily genetic … it can be from other (social …) causes.
(h #3) : selection pressure can also act on social behaviors.
Disclaimer : i’m not working in this field : this has no scientific value.
Some selection pressure seems to be returning. anti mask (during a pandemic), anti vax, homeopathy. some folks seem to want to or have their kids die early.
Measles outbreaks are coming back, lol
“lol” … ok, laughing to avoid crying.
Such a nightmare… i suppose we can describe this as :
(hypothesis #1) : Stupidity increasing up to a breaking point where it’s no longer sustainable and kids start to die again.
(h #2) : this increase in stupidity is not necessarily genetic … it can be from other (social …) causes.
(h #3) : selection pressure can also act on social behaviors.
Disclaimer : i’m not working in this field : this has no scientific value.