I asked a related question about how often you lie, on a daily basis, but I think this is more apropos for today’s general aesthetic.
I have no interest in misrepresenting myself, I just try to give away as little as possible while still trying to contribute to the conversation.
Yeah as a doctor with a PHD in this exact topic and a huge dick, it’s not really in my interests to misrepresent myself.
Pretty Huge Dick
PhD . Not really that convincing if you get the qualification wrong.
This, plus giving extraneous information that may lead to incorrect presumptions.
I, Dr. Wesker, am a caricature of a real person.
I am more myself than myself, yet also exaggerated.
I am an experiment in personality and expression.
I am craving poutine.
I’m more my real self online than I am in the real world.
I would like to hear more about how and why that is, for you.
I can actually speak my mind through text than I can verbally. I become mute in most situations IRL because being physically around people gives me anxiety.
You may have accidentally a word.
Nah, I purposefully that word. I purposefully’d the fuck outta it.
I know I kinda just spread my brains out onto Internet and it isn’t pretty but it gets the dopamine going and keeps me on the treaddsmill
not op but if i say who i am irl, i’ll get arrested
Thinking about it, I definitely misrepresent myself online 100% of the time, as I never say who I am. I do say a lot of things, but in a generic sense, enough that it would be hard to pin down who I actually am. I have a deep and irrepressible sense of distrust for the state, for decades, despite what I do for a job. So instead, I have an online persona that does indeed reflect my values, but is separate from the public facing person you might know.
You mean your real name is not Crack Happy? 😃
deleted by creator
Alright, I’ll tell this story again. The reason my name is Crackhappy has nothing whatsoever to do with drugs. It’s because, years ago, I was climbing the ranks of a Quake II mod called "Rocket Arena"and was known as “Happy”, because I’m pretty sunny in general. I got recruited to a clan called [Crack] and have adopted the moniker of [Crack]Happy ever since, but the brackets got lost to time.
deleted by creator
Get well soon
Unless you’re limiting yourself to very terse responses or having someone else (ideally random) write all your online content, you’re still very much at risk.
Yeah, I’ve come to terms with the fact that if I’m going to be this active on a public forum there is this risk. I try not to put anything too identifiable though and nothing that would be too devastating if tied to my real identity. I’m really not that interesting.
Ed, I told you to get of the internet and turn off the light, I’m tired. And if you steal the covers again tonight you are sleeping on the couch for a week. Did you remember to take the trash out? Don’t sigh at me… you know how I hate that. Goodnight Ed.
Ed: Martha, shut the fuck up.
Where is Margot Robbie when you need her?
She’s behind you!
If I ever made someone online believe I’m a happy and optimistic person then I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I say by all means, keep up that lie to yourself.
Fake it til you make it!
Never. I’m perfectly honest and reliable
All the time, it’d take too much effort to explain nuance connected to the real me.
When I don’t, I often get accused of lying.
Also it’s not important.
I’m not actually some pixelated anthro wolf thing. Sorry for ruining the magic.
Saying dumb shit that I regret later through? Yeah, that’s me irl as well.
Yes, for anyone doxxing me, everything I say on the Internet is true. I am a middle aged lawyer with brown hair and three children.
So… you are a 20-something, bleach blonde pornstar who is single???
Two redhead children in a trenchcoat
Do they know they are your kids though?
God I hope not.
As the President and CEO of a fortune 500, and a neurosurgeon that does rocket surgery as a side project, there are many people relying on me to be an upstanding member of the community at all times.
In reality, most of the ways I misrepresent myself are to obscure my identity, and mostly it’s by leaving things out.
I lie about everything… Even this comment is a lie.
In all seriousness, I do enough misdirection that it would be difficult to figure out who I am. But not impossible. Once in a while I’ll post something that is completely out of character for me, just to throw off anyone that may actually know me.
Here is an example of why:
I have a former coworker fishing for me on Reddit and he is unaware that I no longer post on that site, or even have an account. A friend of mine clued me in to one of former coworker’s posts which mixed a bit of truth in with some massive delusional lies. So once in a while I’ll pull up his Reddit account to see if there is anything I need to send to my lawyer. Yeah, it’s one of those situations. The post I was originally made aware of made my lawyer giddy and he was disappointed that I declined to set him loose. Former Coworker is a narcissistic loser that lives credit card payment to credit card payment anyway. The best way to deal with a narcissist is with indifference.
So yeah, my posts are true to the point where identifiable information is needed. Then I mis-direct.
It’s kind asad when you are playing chess while your opponent is playing checkers. King me.
I don’t do well with lying. Because of childhood trauma. I am an open book. Even online. A boring open book though.
But I am sometimes a bit confused. Might say stuff I later realize I should have done a second thinking about. But I don’t call it misrepresentation when I believed it myself, even if I later realize my mistake.
I’ve been sexually harassed so much online that I never correct people when they misgender me on any sort of party chat, especially with video games. I chose an ambiguous username, talk like a bro, have and naturally have deeper voice which only tends to get deeper on the mic. It’s actually really nice to be able to just play video games and be a human being.
I also put on corporate speak mask when I’m at work. Some days I let it slip and always regret it.
I don’t go out of my way to lie or hide things, but I don’t spread too much either.
On the other hand, I’ve stopped correcting people who default to everyone online being male.
I’ve had great success pretending to be a woman on the internet.
I guess it rather depends on the context.