More than 100 Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and progressive Democrats and community leaders have signed a letter making the case for those reluctant to support Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.
“We know that many in our communities are resistant to vote for Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s complicity in the genocide,” the letter, published Thursday night, reads.
“Some of us have lost many family members in Gaza and Lebanon. We respect those who feel they simply can’t vote for a member of the administration that sent the bombs that may have killed their loved ones,” the letter continued. “As we consider the full situation carefully, however, we conclude that voting for Kamala Harris is the best option for the Palestinian cause and all of our communities.”
I wish these .ml clowns would hold their impotent revolution stirring for ONE critical election. Once trump is gone and MAGA gets told they are unacceptable by a massive blue tsunami, then trump is completely into dementia before he gets another chance to lose, then you can go be a hero and fight against our interests at home in favor of…still doing genocide…or whatever ignorant magical change you think is going to happen instead.
If they’re having their revolution by voting in an election they need to brush up on what a revolution is.
yes, this is what makes you suspect they are bot/trolls.
If they know they need a revolution, then actually revolt - with fucking petardes and guillotines; that type of shit. If they’re not ready to do that, they may as well kick trump in the balls first whilst they muster the wherewithal.
"Voting thrd party because voting is broken?! " wtf?
Strawman. You can just ask third party voters what they think their vote will mean.
Same if they think abstentionism positively impacts their chances of revolution.
And then the next Trump will stand up, there is a long waiting line already.
What nees to change is the game, the rules. Elections should be counting ALL votes and comparing those, not voting for guys that will elect your guy. Elections should NOT be winner takes all, NOT first past the post. The US needs 30 political parties, not two, not three. The entire political system needs to be redesigned and rebuilt from the ground up
They’ve already proven repeatedly that other nutjob candidates just don’t hit the same for his base
And term limits at all stages, right up to supreme court justices.
Would that mean some sort of coalition government?
Dont disagree ive been actively campaigning for rcv etc in my state for years. Thankfully i can do two things at the same time.
Yup, and under one there is a chance, with a ton of effort, of changing it. Also, there are only two options. A broken but fixable democracy if you vote Kamala and trump if you vote anyone else.
“Guys, I get it, the Holocaust is bad, but if we vote for Himmler, he will stop it. Hitler will do the holocaust but even more bad!”
Edit: sandbox this not directed at you. Just clarifying.
Last I checked no one has suggested supporting trump instead. Seek help you’ve been seeing things that are not real.
To everyone else show up, vote with your heart. I live in a safe state, i still voted down ballot for the majority of my reps. If you’re in a similar situation please consider doing the same and contacting your reps and letting them know why. Dont let Kamala and the dnc force you into supporting a genocide its not worth it.
If you’re in a swing state do what you need to do to protect your local community in whatever way you can. Yes, including supporting harris if thats what it’ll take, despite shitty of a candidate she is1. I promise you people like myself are not upset with people supporting kamala. I have no interest in shaming you for voting.
But if you think trying to stop a genocide is unreasonable, well… You’re the problem, and i will happily call you out for your disgusting bullshit.
1 Kamala has remained uncommited to labor. (No policies for pto,sick leave, healthcare reform, workers rights.
Kamala has remained uncommited to keeping khan the best head of the FTC we’ve seen in my life. See related mentions about labor they’re coupled.
Kamala has done more to harm the muslim community than just supporting a genocide shes actively suppressed them in our own country, if she’s willing to throw one minority group under the bus shes willing to throw others.
Why when i can do it now? The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The 2nd best time is now.
If kamala loses thats her fault. Not mine. She could have demonstrated support for Palestinians she has decided to snub a minority group at literally every turn.
No one is asking kamala to commit to a course she has no control over. Whether we sell arms to Israel is squarely in the presidents hands. We have laws in the books that cover this exact situation. Kamala needs to ‘follow the law’ as she is often quoted saying.
Now i suggest you go get checked for mental health issues as you clearly think committing a genocide is perfectly acceptable and that people voting against it are the problem. No one has forced Kamala into this position but herself. No one has forced you into your insanity except yourself.
You’re not trying to plant a tree, you’re trying to burn down the forest.
It’s depressing as fuck that so many Democrats put this all down as a Trump problem and think his demise will make the slightest bit of difference.
As long as we have Democrats like Kamala, we will have Republicans like Trump. This didn’t start with Trump, and it won’t end with Trump.
Now go ahead and down vote my post and forget I ever said it so we can be right back here in another 4 years.
Ah, this makes sense, since Trump didn’t appear before Harris did. Smart thing to say.
Democrats like Kamala. She is hardly a departure from the Democratic establishment brand.
If you insist!
See you then.