Non-essential crypto news covers crypto advertisement, insignificant news that does not affect legit users like XMR/ETH/BTC holders or darknet users, posts relating to garbage like Brave browser and its coin, and so on. Due to the multiple kinds of crypto posts that pop up, this rule will be applied subjectively on a case-by-case basis.
Community complaints about Elon Musk were raised here.
A lot of ad and spam posts appear regularly, which need to be squashed. This will be enforced more heavily from now on.
Sometimes legitimate products are advertised, which should be allowed to post. This will be checked per case basis, and unless asked for permission, all such posts will be removed without notice.
So tired of Elon bs posts. Thanks
This. People who are freaking obsessed with the dude can keep the spam to themselves, that way it’s actually possible to avoid having five tons of Elon’s mental diarrhea shovelled at your face all the time.
Thank you so much!
Fun fact, after these rules were made, some obsessed maniac went and downvoted every single post and comment I made in the past week or two. Some people are mad 🤣
That… is very concerning regarding my existence, since I have atheist beliefs.
It’s referring to the Elon bootlickers. You can safely remain atheist
For a minute I thought I was just a digitised lifeform that time travelled from 3200 to aid the ancient redevelopment of internet mesh network.
That would at least be proper tech news if that happened.
Still a possibility.
I do have a bunch of comments with just one or two downvotes and no explaination (the other responses are rather positive). Might be similar case lmao
I saw your profile and helped balance it out.
Some people are manchildren I swear to god
But seriously, thank you
This is a great ruleset. Thank you for cleaning up the discussion
Great changes
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One question I have is how many posts would be allowed to come from one user at a time. Would it be unlimited or less then 5 etc
Case by case is good enough for Lemmy’s current scale. A spammer or mass poster would be obvious.
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Brave browser has its controversies, but occasionally it does make good strides in privacy too, e.g. see this part of the blog:
Brave Browser is funded by DoD:
Brave traffic detected with Cryptocompare despite BAT rewards disabled:
Brave also has a known history of whitelisting Facebook and Twitter trackers, and has a crippled adblocker that does not work on Brave’s “acceptable” advertisements.
Brave Browser hardcoded their crypto partner Binance referral links ( alongwith Ledger and soon-to-be-compromised Coinbase (
Even Facebook and Apple have “privacy” webpages on their websites. It means nothing. Actions and consequences speak louder than words.
Even Facebook and Apple have “privacy” webpages on their websites. It means nothing. Actions and consequences speak louder than words.
So you’d not post either if they update their privacy policy or privacy tools (for better or worse)?
All I’m saying is that it is okay to limit some kind of news that don’t add any value, but those that do, should be posted, regardless of what the opinion on the company itself is.
Brave browser has its controversies, but occasionally it does make good strides in privacy too, e.g. see this part of the blog:
You shared this link to claim Brave is a good privacy browser, which it is not, and you are now using a strawman to justify your plainly wrong argument.
So you’d not post either if they update their privacy policy or privacy tools
Their privacy policy changes or harmful actions towards privacy becoming a news will get shared, but there is too much bad that comes out of Brave, and nothing good that makes it better than other Chromium based web browsers. This is why it does not deserve being shared around in positive light. Those are the rules, since enough Brave/crypto shills roam around in tech communities.
This community is about technology. Brave Browser is technology.
Are posts about Brave Browser going to be disallowed because the most vocal members of this community don’t like it?
Bad technology is not the same as good technology. Something that harms people is not a piece of tech that improves lives. Likewise someone could argue 4chan is technology, and every week 2-3 posts about 4chan being a tech website should be posted here. That is not how it works though. Brave has created a network of obnoxious trolls, homophobes that hate “mozilla politics” and Bravecoin shills that include YouTube promoters of it, and so there is plenty bad, and nothing good that comes out of it.
Who decides what is good technology and what is bad technology? Do you?
Should news about the Brave Browser be disallowed even if it doesn’t feature Brave’s cryptocurrency?
Brave has created a network of obnoxious trolls, homophobes that hate “mozilla politics” and Bravecoin shills that include YouTube promoters of it, and so there is plenty bad, and nothing good that comes out of it.
They help facilitate this, bring nothing better than other browsers to the table, so what is your particular obsession with Brave? Every single piece of tech is not worth talking about, and moderation is needed to trim the fat. Find some Brave community to shower the love. Discussions about Brave are not intellectually stimulating or bring anything fruitful to the table.
Also, the community generally seems to be okay with trimming away Brave in tech space. YouTubers and cryptobros shill it. Lowers quality of community posts and is a waste of time. Your argument will even allow for Raid Shadow of Legends to be discussed as “technology”.
My issue is that Brave Browser is the only non-cryptocurrency subject you explicitly disallow. Remember, the browser, not the coin. There’s nothing about 4chan or Raid Shadow Legends in your list of prohibited topics. Your bias is clearly on display here.
To reiterate my question you dodged, how will you decide what is “good” and “bad” technology? As a community moderator, you should be impartial.
Impartiality against obnoxious trolling, crypto shilling and hating on “Mozilla politics” to hide their homophobia is not possible. Brave browser is the only major web browser to bundle a crypto coin and scheme with it, and it brings with itself all of the forementioned garbage which has no place in a moderated/civil community. You are basically saying to tolerate the intolerant and consider the inconsiderate. Go read Karl Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance short comic.
Your bias is apparent here, when you say you can separate Brave browser from Brave coin. I already shared among the links how that has been false since years, yet you insist forcibly a wrong thing. Moderation is a biased thing, and this is not a freezepeach zone. 4chan /g/ might be more up your alley, but they also hate Brave, as do most privacy or tech communities.
Unfortunately this community is no longer viable for unbiased technology news, as evident by the moderator’s comments.
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