Americans; If Trump wins in November, what are your plans?
Resist as much as possible without getting killed. BTW, I’m an Old-White-Guy Boomer. Not all people in my generation are lining up to kiss Trump’s ass…
It’s important for the left to recognise that boomers as a whole also represent a group of people who face significant systemic challenges, and that the real enemy is capitalism and the power structures that maintain it as the status quo.
We need a class war; not a culture war.
“Significant systemic challenges” such as…?
They’ve had it better than us at every stage of life and have trashed everything for those coming after them. If they are facing challenges now, they’re lucky.
As they do now, capitalists are to blame for what previous generations have had, not the generation themselves. While the boomer generation may have profited by the direct disenfranchisement of others, the same is inherently true of almost anyone who participates in capitalism.
Hating boomers for being born when they were is prejudice plain and simple, while we may face our own modern issues they had their own when they were younger. More recently there’s lovely stuff like elder abuse that’s rampant in aged care.
The leftist cooks did a great video on the topic that I’d recommend watching rather than listening to me, I’m no expert on the topic, I just think social cohesion is important and we need to keep in mind who really causes our problems.
Have to upvote the Leftist Cools and their 2 hour videos.
I don’t dislike boomers because of when they were born. I dislike boomers because the right wing ones are assholes and idiots. They blame the younger generations for the problems they caused and they’re actively trying to burn down our country because they believe the bullshit they’re fed by fox “news” and wannabe dictator tRump.
That’s exactly my point.
Hate shit people, don’t hate people who belong to a demographic. There are lots of awesome boomers.
Thank you for your comments. I was getting caught up in the hate rhetoric for “boomers” in general, forgetting who perpetuated these issues we face today.
Thinking back, I know I said some shitty things to older friends and family, who were just trying to get along in life like everyone else.
They have made changes to the system they profited from so that others cannot do the same. It has nothing to do with ageism
Shouldn’t the generation that “got theirs” pay the piper though?
Not all boomers are wealthy
And neither are some of the younger ones who they might have counted on in the past… I just hope it’s enough.
Same thing I did last time. Hunker down in a blue city in a blue state, worry about my friends and relatives in red states, and do what I can to take care of myself and others.
God I don’t know. It’d be a god damn miscarriage of justice. I don’t think I could handle 4 more years of it.
Careful, miscarriages are considered abortions and that’s against the law.
Har har
4 more years - seems like the start of the Trump forever dynasty if you let him back in.
(From the perspective of a Canadian)
And we’re in for our own ride with “Polly Pockets” as my wife calls him (pierre poilievre). Since it increasingly looks like our fellow citizens are going to fuck up… <sigh>
Hunker down, pre budget anticipating more layoffs. I’m “lucky” in that I’m cis, white, male, married, too old for draft. So will also spend my time looking after folks in my community that don’t have those keywords. I am already a friend to all, but will think double about their needs/concerns. (Obviously respecting their privacy). Try to volunteer more than normal.
Same. If it comes to it, I’ll be a stop on another Underground Railroad. I hope it doesn’t come to it.
Im a broke woman with chronic health problems in a red state who may be homeless soon and who sure as hell can’t afford to leave and go somewhere better. I guess I’ll just keep trudging along and hope that somehow we’re all being hysterical and things won’t actually get that bad but if they do and if I lose what little social assistance I have I guess I’ll just tap out and call it a life, ya know?
Easy, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Duh. I don’t understand why you haven’t done it already. I kid. But seriously. I hope you get the help you need.
Have you considered to sell everything and be homeless hopping freight trains to leave the area? Or how expensive woulf a greyhound to another are be? Not trying to be mean, just have a hard time imagining being in your position.
I’m really surprised the right isn’t more concerned people in your condition will look at their choices, their right to firearms, and decide if they’re going down, they’re taking legislators with them. That’s a serious concern when people are desperate.
You’ll buy food before ammo, and they know it.
I’m a trans woman and I honestly think that I very well may end up having to hide myself in my parents attic or something.
would strongly recommend my transfolk friends move out of FL and TX, and really any red state. I know it’s hard, but these places… they’re not run by people in their right minds.
Might as well go live in an actual developed country while you are at it.
i want to add for any trans folks thinking about moving to canada: make sure you check provincial laws. we have a federal bill enshrining trans rights*, but some of our provinces are interested in just ignoring it using the notwithstanding clause. obviously do your own research but i would say british columbia is probably your best bet (coastal bc especially, the interior is a little… traditionalist)
i found a resource that breaks it down better than i ever could
Is there one for the U.S. ?
It is spreading, not many states will be safe very soon. Not to mention most people don’t have the ability to move. It’s a nice thought, tho
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I’m curious, what do you get out of saying this?
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What do you mean? Just because you wish you were a woman doesn’t make you a woman. It’s nothing wrong with being feminine, of wishing you were a woman, but it doesn’t change hard facts, that you have XY-chromosomes, and are born with a dick.
You were most likely born without hair, doesn’t make you bald.
Your definition of sex is stuck in the 90’s. Time to update it before you lose your grip on reality.
And if you can’t handle modern time, there is always the Amish.
I’m not the one losing grip on reality. Even if you take hormones, or chop of your dick, your chromosomes stay the same.
So what?? Why do chromosomes matter at all? Gender ≠ sex. Anyone is allowed to identify however they want, and it literally hurts nobody.
However, trans people do actually have brain structures that mismatch their assigned sex at birth. Also, most differences of sex are just caused by hormones, so HRT really does meaningfully change someone’s sex.
You should also know that human biology is not so clean cut. Intersex people exist, and for example there are people born female with a Y chromosome.Unless you have more data to back it up than a single study made in Mexico, you don’t have much data to back up your point with. Studies can often have biases, so one study alone doesn’t exactly prove a lot. I’m sure there are plenty of studies concluding the opposite.
And why does anything matter at all? Besides the biological processes in your body being different. Being a specific sex/gender doesn’t require you to act a certain way, you can literally do anything you want. I just think it’s wrong to differentiate sex and gender.
By quoting wikipedia:
Some people maintain that the word sex should be reserved for reference to the biological aspects of being male or female or to sexual activity, and that the word gender should be used only to refer to sociocultural roles. … In some situations this distinction avoids ambiguity, as in gender research, which is clear in a way that sex research is not. The distinction can be problematic, however. Linguistically, there isn’t any real difference between gender bias and sex bias, and it may seem contrived to insist that sex is incorrect in this instance.
I am certainly not the only one disputing this.
It’s about identity, not biological markers. It’s 2024. How do you not understand this?
You’re a long way behind on your biology reading.
Well, the first thing I’m going to do is drink myself into a coma. After that, I don’t know. I keep hoping to wake up rich so I can have a lot more options, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Unfortunately if the U.S. gets really bad, everywhere will get really bad. If Trump does putin’s bidding, then it will creat power vacuums around the world and will lead to wars. Leaving might be less safe than staying.
Or it won’t be as bad as predicted and it will just be very bad. Then I’m not sure.
Move back to Australia. Thank god I kept my citizenship.
Will you marry me? I’m a good cook and pretty funny, but also autistic so I need my alone time.
Hold on, let me check with my wife :)
Ok, I’ll be on stand by 👌
My feeling is that a Trump reelection will be the null result of the American experiment. I expect we’ll shift gears from decline to conflagration that will consume the Constitution, The three Branches, and the Union itself. Best case, we’ll emerge humbled from the ashes much like Germany in the late 20th Century.
Germany was build by US. Who is gonna build US?
Keep my head down for 4 years just like last time.
I’m watching his interview with Laura Ingraham. I started yelling at the TV and started getting PTSD from his first term. I’m really scared of what another Trump term would do to us. I forgot how scary that time was.
Got a link to that interview? I can’t seem to find it full and without commentary.
I can’t find it full either. I watched with Hasan.
He’ll be in office for longer than 4 years if he gets elected. Much longer.
Vote, and tell people to Vote, no matter how certain his loss is.
I’ve been pursuing getting citizenship in an EU country since my grandparents were born in the EU and came to the US. Their country of origin seems to allow it so I’ve lined up an appointment with an immigration attorney I found online to see if they can help. I’ve started doing DuoLingo for the local language. I can’t do another four years of Trump and I doubt he will leave at the end of the term if he wins. I hunkered down and dealt with it last time but damn I can’t take that stress anymore.
I happen to also have an EU citizenship. Move to the EU.
Will you marry me?
I like you well enough from what I have seen. I look into it.
Just going to hope that the Democratic institution is strong enough to survive another 4 years.
Judging by the Arkansas supreme court elections it doesn’t look like it. 2 seats opening, 4 judges currently holding seats are running for them. If they lose they keep their current seat, if they win they take the new seat and resign their old. Those positions are then filled by the Governor without need of an election. Aka stacking the courts through loop holes.
Take advantage of poste election ammo prices falling because conservatives are emotionally driven idiots and stock up.
Don’t worry, the liberals will wise up and start arming themselves to fight fascism!
Liberals, no.