It was you, wasn’t it?
Found him … He’s running for president of the US
Long overdue. This MFer has a hundred moons. How many does America have? That’s right, one. We’re doing something WRONG.
That bastard owes me $3.50 he’s hiding from me
Maybe if you remembered to put Jupiter back where it belonged after you were done with it, it wouldn’t be lost now, hmm?
Sorry I ate it. I was hungry
Sweet, someone upgraded flushes.
How embarrassing. How embarrassing.
Oh fuck not again
Guys, I called the number, and a multidimensional portal opened up in front of me. I’m scared. Wat do?
When was the last time you had it with you? Sometimes it helps to retrace your steps.
Is the call to mars toll-free?
I see it!
Can we all just take a moment appreciate that Jupiter can be found to the left of the big red arrow?
It’s probably the same criminal organization that stole that whole-ass radio tower a few weeks ago. Next they’re going to steal an entire galaxy.