People. We, the French, pulled a left-wing coalition out of our asses in less than a week and managed to “win” an election. You have months. Hope is permitted.
Well spoken.
A few months in politics is an eternity. Yes, things are chaotic right now, but this is short term. We can unify after this. And we can win.
So we need a French immigrant to help fix the government?
I think you’ll start to see a lot more excitement in the next few weeks.
It’s very true. We’ve been brainwashed into a year long campaign mostly because it generates a lot of money for various parties but prior elections have proven it’s mostly what happens in the last month that makes a difference.
Y’all are lucky you can make coalitions, though. This is more akin to your election if you only had centrists and far right running. Two party system and all that.
A “long” election campaign in the UK is 6 weeks. In 1992 they had one that was just 30 days.
Months is plenty of time, especially in the modern world. Maybe 250 years ago it was necessary to campaign for months on end so that the candidate could personally travel by train to every state. But, with modern media (both traditional and social), there’s no real reason for campaigns to be as long as they are. The only reason they’re this long is that the thought is that the earlier you start campaigning, the better. So, each side keeps starting earlier and earlier, making it effectively into a neverending campaign cycle.
We don’t really do coalitions here. Our voting system doesn’t allow for it.
It does happen within Congress itself though, when different sects of the two parties cross the aisle to join with the other party on certain issues. But since Congress doesn’t elect a prime minister, it doesn’t happen for the presidency.
I know. You’re missing my point. :)
My point wasn’t the coalition. My point was that we had 21 days to cobble something together and not only did we do it, we managed to win with it. It’s not about the coalition, it’s about building a campaign. You have months to do so.
And you’re about to say that Trump had way longer to do so. Yes. So did the far right in our country, which barely even campaigned because all of the media were doing so on their behalf for the last two years and we still managed to outnumber them.
Trust me, my faith in the Democrats is barely existent. But still, I think it can be done.
You, the French, have not been the target of a 40 year war against public education by the right wing. Americans are on average significantly less capable of rational thought because of it. Source: I am an American raised in the crippled education system I mentioned before.
It’s a bit naive to think Western Europe hasn’t been under attack from the right wing at least as long as the US has. They’ve had wars over it that never really reached US shores, and it never really went away. All of the strategies that have been used in the US were piloted and honed in Europe – look up the activities there by Manafort, Stone, Bannon, etc. all the same names who have been implementing the shit you’re seeing in the US were active in Western and Eastern Europe years before this. It’s been going on there far longer.
It’s amazing to me that people in the US haven’t been paying attention to what’s gone on there and learning from their successes.
Why’d you put “win” in quotes?
Because we only have a relative majority and now Macron is teaming up with the hard right (not the far right, the other right right that is not center right… Yeah, too much right is wrong) to deprive us of any path to government. Shit sucks. But it could have sucked way harder.
It’s also a strategic moderate move to keep the hard right from merging with Reform.
I’m hoping the left wing parties aren’t locked out and still able to get progress made.
Cuddling up to the hard right might look like a strategical move but it never works. Normalising them only shifts the discussion further to the right. And let’s face it… in this post-factual time where all that matters is the narratives, giving them a platform will only help to brain-wash more people into believing right-wing fake-solutions to actual problems.
Because, well, the left coalition came out ahead of the vote but then started to loose ground to political shenanigans. War is not over but a significant battle was lost.
I don’t understand you people in this thread.
Ever since the debate, people have been calling for Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race and give the place to someone else.
Now I read the comments and everyone is criticizing and accusing the Democrats of not knowing what they’re doing? Are you for real? They’re doing EXACTLY what people have been asking for. They’re doing EXACTLY what needs to be done if they want to win.
Fucking hell you guys, make up your fucking mind.
A Canadian with severe anxiety over your next presidential election.
I didn’t say any of that. With only four months until the election, I think this is kind of dumb.
Dumb to not let Trump win? Cause that is what was going to happen if he stayed in.
Oh, you have a crystal ball and already saw what happened in the future?
Yes I do. Thanks for asking.
Well, to be fair, he should have stepped down a year ago, or at least 3 months ago. I vaguely remember him saying he was going to be a 1 term candidate in 2020.
Anyway, I respect Biden. I honestly think he was a better president than Obama, Bush, Trump and Clinton. Perhaps the best since Carter or JFK.
I vaguely remember him saying he was going to be a 1 term candidate in 2020.
You’re correct, he did. Everyone forgot that for some reason. Note that this article is from 2019:
Wait wait, let me guess, now all of the sudden we’re not literally fascists for thinking that it would be best if Biden stepped down. A sincere fuck you too everyone who commented accordingly for the last month.
And downvoted us. It was fucked up Correct the Record style brigading.
Jesus, I hope they can piece a campaign together in the few remaining months
Mike Johnson has literally already made it clear that in these circumstances he intends to CONTEST the new candidate being allowed on ballots.
We live in the fucking stupidest ass timeline.
The time for dropping Biden was before the fucking primaries and now we’re walking right the fuck into a Republican trap.
Fuck me, someone just kill me now so Trump can’t institutionally fucking murder me.
Democrats are fuckin morons who want to lose.
Mike Johnson is (as usual) full of shit. The DNC is still a month away and not a single state ballot deadline has passed.
That doesn’t mean they won’t tie this up in the courts I’ve a bogus legal theory that the Supreme Court will turn into a reality… Mark my words, unless Biden packs the court, this one is on Clarence Thomas’s desk stat
How do you plan to recalibrate your BS meter after seeing how you were wrong here?
By just admitting I was wrong and that didn’t happen? Not that hard
Yes they can. This is the right choice. Democrats will be more energized than ever now. Hopeful they keep it open to the delegates to vote at the convention after a few people step forward.
Yeah, fuck. I just lost $60 on a bet over this
$60 well lost for a better candidate.
He was literally doing the job and doing it well.
Some of the accomplishments:
Lowering Costs of Families’ Everyday Expenses. More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History. Making More in America. Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic. Rebuilding our infrastructure. Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans. CHIP Act
He wasn’t going to beat Trump. Why would you want Trump to win?
FUCK YES!!! Finally the stubborn old man did what we knew he needed to do all along.
This decision really raises my opinion of Biden so much. God damn do I love that man, he is truly a great person who dedicated his life to serve his country, literally. He honestly had a great term given the circumstances, and the only thing he probably should have done differently is to not run for reelection to begin with. But he seemed to genuinely believe he could win and stave off Trump. Now that that seemed impossible, he makes a very courageous decision that a lot of people probably wouldn’t have made and puts the country ahead of his ego. Lots of respect from me, and I hope this reinvigorates the democratic base and makes the future brighter for all of us.
I know you’re from Europe but you should really read up on Biden’s long record of conservative and corporatist stances and policies. He literally wrote the legislation that trapped all future US generations in indentured student loan servitude in exchange for $250,000 from MBNA the following year. Then, he had the balls to pretend his means tested student loan forgiveness would fix the issue he created while he STILL fights student loan holders in court.
He was one of the most conservative, racist, corrupt, right wing Democrats there ever was. Let’s not rewrite his awful track record.
My money is still on Harris to be the final candidate. Get ready.
She’ll get absolutely demoed by Trump. I can’t wait for Dems to have to vote for a racist cop though, peak irony.
One of the things Harris really has going for her is the fact that she would absolutely demolish Trump in a debate. She would not let him off the hook for his lies and would be able to counter his BS with reality.
Which is why Trump will never agree to debate her.
If Harris does become first name on the ticket, they better put Jesus Himself Christ as her running mate.
You cannot be serious. She’s as bad at public speaking as Biden during the last debate. She absolutely would not stand a chance in a debate with Trump.
I am all for a women president, but Harris is just a Hilary repeat … Please dont.
AOC would be amazing but I know shes "too progressive"for the boomers… What ever the fuck that means
Why is she Hillary repeat?
Piece of shit cop that ruined people’s lives for the crime of minding their own damn business. Not progressive, at all, and very far right as Democrats go.
And just like that the concern trolls have aligned on a new attack line.
I’m voting for anyone not Trump, but she has a very public record of incarcerating non-violent offenders.
Speaking, presentation, likability.
So well spoken female that people just don’t like for some reason?
Chosen because of her gender before her merit. Evidence:
She ran for president previously and lost terribly because people didn’t like her. She is not well spoken because clearly people didn’t resonate with her, women included.
When she loses, and I assure you she will, it’s not because she’s a woman. It all comes down to her track record and how charismatic she is, both which are bad.
Let’s not forget she backs Biden so things that the left is against, such as her and Biden sending bombs to Israel will hurt her terribly.
I’m probably voting for her, but it leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth stomaching it. I’m able to accept that I won’t have a perfect candidate but most Americans aren’t these days so it’s a loss for her, yeah.
The DNC NEVER listens to what the People Want so I don’t know how to Feel about this.