It’s insane to me that this is even a discussion. What kind of evil people would prefer to actively poison their constituents?
It’s such a no brainer to remove toxic chemicals from our water supply. Who cares if it’s expensive, so is an aircraft carrier, this needs to be done to save lives. We can afford it.
Lead poisoning makes people unreasonable and violent.
That’s their main demographic.
They’re not blind to the fact that lead poisoning helped to get them where they are today.
Agreed. They are so hell bent on cutting costs and enriching themselves by pinching every penny imaginable that they don’t care about any of the consequences or long term effects.
Also, they may even like the side effect of how lead exposure causes cognitive issues and decreases intelligence. Dumber populace is easier to control and manipulate.
These people are psychopaths to their core.
It’s such a no brainer
That right there is precisely the point. Lead damages brain function. Their constituents not having functional brains is exactly what keeps them in power.
Lead poisoning creates more republican voters. No-brainer for them
No-brainer for them
And for their victims.
They are working for our enemies.
They are our enemies.
It’s back to only thinking about yourself. Most people aren’t currently diagnosed with lead poisoning, so it doesn’t concern them. Why spend all that money.
See also education budgets and international aid
Lead poisoning is the only way anyone is going to vote for them.
Still think you get to vote again?
We’ll at least pretend.
Even North Korea holds elections.
“So, are you voting for Kim or for Labor Camp?”
“Fuck progress! Anything that even sounds like progressive must go! More lead! More drilling! Mandatory sulfur dioxide exhaust! Make America Acid Rain Again!”
-Fucking greedy lunatics
Seriously, though, there are so many people who sincerely believe things like “Back in my day we put lead in our gasoline and paint, and I’m still alive so why do we need regulation?”
Anecdotes and belief are stronger than any fact you can show them. And the moment “the enemy” wants to do something about a problem, it’s no longer a problem. It becomes the opposite of a problem, it’s the solution, because the us-vs-them mentality is just too prevalent.
If my assessment is correct, Americans are going to have the best time. Lead is going to make the idiocracy real. I hope this helps. Bring back the idiocracy.
It’s like they studied the fall of Rome and said yes let’s do that
Fun fact: Romans were well aware of lead poisoning and preferred terracotta pipes. When they did use lead they allowed mineral buildup inside the pipes, which shielded the water from the lead itself.
This limestone encrustation (sinter, from the German), which had to be periodically chipped away, suggests that deposits of calcium carbonate in pipes and aqueducts protected against corrosion and insulated against the introduction of lead into the water they conveyed. Too, with no taps to shut off, water flowed continuously and so would not have been in prolonged contact with the metal.
They still used lead-based makeup and ate on lead plates.
Lead plates are fine as long as you don’t eat anything that is both liquid and acidic. Pewter plates (when it was still made with lead) were used until very recently.
Liquid and acidic like garum? The fermented fish sauce the Romans put on pretty much everything?
Still not much in the grand scheme of things. Smelting lead to extract silver would have been a far greater contributor, especially since it makes the lead airborne as leaded fuel did recently.
Mix that with a nice dessert wine, and you get garum marsala
The emperor knew there would be a good reason to start trading with India.
The key point for the political survival of the Republican party is a stupid voter base. That’s why they wreck schools, favor homeschooling by people who might not be suitable for teaching, but have the correct faith, love university fees that leave non-millionaire kids with livelong debts.
Keeping the lead levels high is fully in line with this, as it keeps the population average IQ several points below it’s potential.
Smart move! Lead makes the water sweeter! It will encourage people to hydrate!
I personally prefer my lead sugar in my wine but to each their own.
Lead in wine? Interesting.
Hadn’t tried that combo.
I’ve tried lead in paint chips that had a rubbery taste, might have been the paint… Lead on potato chips definitely has a solid taste, even better than sea salt.
It’s very chic and Italian
When they say they want to go back to the 50s, they mean it
Republicans: Nooooo we can’t add flouride to the water supply
Also Republicans: mmm tasty lead
These people are working for foreign agents. Explains so much.
“If you can’t beat 'em, make 'em join you”
- Boomers
Which is weird, because it was probably their generation that pushed through the end of leaded gasoline.
The more brain damaged your populace is, the easier it is to control them and have them vote against what is good for them, sonof course Republicans want this
They are already brain damaged, so it doesn’t impact them.
Some boomer will pipe up saying that they had lead piping in the 50s, say they’re ok, and call this woke.
If someone you know ever struggles to fully understand retaliation and pettiness, point them to these maga/republican freaks. They’re so triggered by the existence of people trying to improve things, they’ll literally allow more toxic chemicals in things just to own the libs. Literally everyone will suffer because of this: themselves, their voters, their children, everyone.
Make lead mandatory!