the dude trying not to shit
My curiosity is piqued, mind giving a link?
And then
What a legend.
Marxists supporting Putin and his war
Marxists? Got a link?
Any comment by someone from when Ukraine is brought up.
Never came across that instance. Looks a bit like Marxist toddlers. Still, an example would be appreciated.
I described my dealings with them as being lied someone gave an eight year old E numbers and a copy of Das Kapital.
Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean
Maybe my E Numbers referance is a bit outdated. There used to be certain colours in foods that people avoided because they sent kids hyperactive. Dealing with Hexbear feels like dealing with kids hopped up on something similar who also have access to Marxist literature.
That was bollocks though—notice how you never hear about it any more, even in countries that still go all-out for artificial colourings?
It was kids with ADHD whose sugar intake wasn’t controlled. Source: am adult whose sugar intake isn’t controlled.
I went into one of their threads and basically asked them about their beliefs because I was curious. They are self-identified communists/ socialists. They are against NATO and basically any individual country having “too much” power (even their own country). They are against the US and NATO giving aid to Ukraine and believe the rest of the world should allow Russia to steamroll over Ukraine. I disagree with their beliefs but I was curious so I asked them, so there you go.
Tankies are like cockroaches
Basically r/TheWayOfTheBern found their way over to Lemmy
A dude asking how to remove a cock ring on the support page
So did he ever get it off
Post was removed before we knew.
I mean, I’m guessing he got it off before he realised it was stuck.
Beans. Lots and lots of beans.
God I’m glad that’s over.
Care to elaborate?
It was a meme that started not long after the Reddit migration.
Very very boring imho but some people clearly loved it.
Is this a Magical Trevor thing?
The other day, I saw an A-list Hollywood actress going around Lemmy shitposting and promoting her latest movie on Lemmy.
She’s obviously very talented and very hot and deserves to finally get an Oscar this year, but I would say it’s pretty bizzare.
Also she’s now the top mod of [email protected] for some reason.
You know, come to think of it, how do we know you’re the real Spider-man and not some imposter?
Didn’t Spiderverse cover this?
Wait is this some sort of joke I’m not privy to? That’s not actually Margot Robbie right? I can never tell what’s real on the internet nowadays.
Of course I am, why would Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie go on the Internet to lie to you? Because she thinks messing with a bunch of tech people on a niche forum is hilarious?
That would be pretty bizarre.
I don’t know what’s more weird. Margot Robbie being on lemmy, or that Margot Robbie is a fan of android devices over iOS devices.
Hey, I have preferences too, but people can like what they like, my preferences for phones is no more or less valid than anyone else’s.
blonde bimbos usually prefer iphones though.
Self referencing meme accounts were something I hoped we’d be leaving behind on Reddit.
Tell that to my publicists, please.
They’ll throw a fit if they find out about this.
As a gay guy, Margot is pretty hot, but she’s no Robert De Niro.
Ahem. That’s Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie to you.
It’s because of De Niro’s 2 Oscars, right? 😭
As a straight guy, Margot Robbie is what I think of when I need my dick to unwind
is there proof that’s her??
Maybe I can buy a blue checkmark or something here.
Well I have seen people use emojis in there user name, so you should technically be capable of getting a blue checkmark.
I know, but that’s a green checkmark…
Also, don’t you think it’s bizarre to pay 8 dollars a month just for an emoji on a microblog website?
I fully do, and think that if you can just pay for it, it defeats the purpose of it.
Also in your case. I mostly thought if it is possible to display a emoji there might be some way to get a costume emoji to display, or if there already existed a blue checkmark emoji or similar symbol.
I am really not up to date with the emojis, or how character displaying on websites work.
I’m really hoping you can lmao
Considering the profile pic is ai generated, I highly doubt it
And that’s exactly the point of using a blatantly AI generated profile picture.
No one ever suspects anything. 😉
lol I suspected a lot about you as soon as I saw the username.
Leftists claiming Stalin was right wing.
I’d take them over the ones that think Stalin was a good guy any day tbh
It’s an oversimplified anarchist talking point against authoritarianism and the state. It’s noting the similarities between conservative talking points and auth-left socialist rhetoric. Basically, almost everything you criticize about capitalism can be applied to the state. And defenses for the state from auth-left socialists sounds an awful lot like right wing talking points in defense of capitalism/imperialism/insertotherismhere. Not to mention, the USSR was pretty socially conservative and that’s a big mark against them imo. Liberatory politics should liberate people, after all
Leftists who think, if I don’t subscribe to their narrow, personal definition of leftism, I must be an epistemically evil conservative maniac with no middle ground whatsoever.
what I hate is that when I say I’m not affiliated with a political party - people try to assume I must be a fucking centrist and therefor secretly conservative.
Those people have some kind of mental deficiency that prevents them from thinking outside of what they already know. It’s sad really. It’s like their brain can’t comprehend anything outside of what they were told to think.
I can sort of see where they’re coming from, if they’re equating authoritarianism to conservatism and libertarianism to liberalism. But in reality, Stalin was a left wing authoritarian.
If we look at the rhetoric, the soviet state was certainly left wing, but the main policy was state capitalism. To my mind, state capitalism is not a right wing (favors private control of industry) nor a left wing (favors worker control of industry) policy.
This is definitely a case where pure left/right dichotomy doesn’t serve to accurately describe the situation on the ground.
What was left wing about stalin?
His economic policies, specifically collectivism, particularly in agriculture.
The rhetoric.
Makes me wonder why we even still have wings. Nobody can seem to define them adequately.
Horseshoe theory.
TIL this is actually a thing and I’m not just an idiot speaking out of my ass (this time).
I remember only learning about it recently and being like “oh shit, so that’s what’s going on”
Cue the people downvoting horseshoe theory for no good reason
The fact that it’s stupid is a perfectly good reason to downvote it.
Yes, that is a very good reason to downvote your comment.
It’s better than the alternative, though it does leave me with a second question. If the far left and the far right resemble each other, can they be hybridized to make a kind of antichthon version of the center?
Far Right + Far Left = Far Side?
Gary Larson is political extremist confirmed
I wanna know what we call the opposite of the left and right that are merging. Those two groups are now one - what’s the group that goes up against them both?
They probably mistook right wing for auth
Good ol’ conflating right/left and authoritarian/libertarian.
The guy who designed the Debian logo showed up
Your Username
Also usernames that are just emojis. That’s just so odd. I’m not even sure how to think of their username in terms of pronouncing it.
I pronounce it as “that guy with the emojis as a username”
Interesting fact. The Unicode Consortium, which defines what is an emoji and how they are encoded in text, has an official list of descriptive short names for almost all 3k+ of then. So although they don’t have pronunciations, they do have names.
I mean, I knew a reddit user whose name wasca string of uppercase Is snd lowercase Ls.
Praise be Eternity/Infinity for only displaying the actual username blocking access to some of their biggest communities.
I only know about piracy. What else did they block access for?
They defederated from dbzero which I believe has other large ‘communities’
I think they only defederated from those communities, not the entire instance.
They didn’t defederate from them at all, they blocked the communitieson dbz that SPECIFICALLY had to do with piracy. dbz is not defederated from world
Cunts who expect me to believe it’s actually in my interests to vote 3rd party.
A post touting rural and suburban North Korea as a capitalist-free, pedestrian friendly utopia full of happy people.
The CIA setting up a base of operations on here and strawmanning the left. You can even see it here already. Well, I suppose the CIA disrupting leftist spaces isn’t all that bizarre.
What on earth are you babbling about? Jesus.
I honestly thought you were referring to the Jesus. The horrifying part is that it did not seem out of place with what he said.
You haven’t run across a post screaming about tankies or a strawman of leftists supposedly supporting authoritarian governments? Jesus must be your roommate under that rock in which you live.
Amazing. You have convinced me that all those things were done by the CIA and that I am uninformed and quite foolish. How astonishing. You are very clever and special.
I’m not trying to convince you of anything. Whether they’re actually on CIA’s payroll or just drooling morons doing it for free, the fact remains that there are many accounts dedicated to shrieking about supposed leftists defending authoritarian governments and they were already commenting on this post which is why I decided to make my own post. If you can’t see that then you have selective vision because the posts are right here. Either way, it’s bizarre that you’d take it so personally when I wasn’t even directing my post at you.
You have over 150 million Americans voting and dying for an orange conman and preferring him over Jesus fucking Christ, but you think people who say leftists are evil must be on the CIA’s payroll? You clearly must be on George Soros’ payroll, then /s
What the hell does any of that have to do with anything I’ve posted?
Occam’s Razor? People are just that stupid? Do you seriously think the CIA would go out of its way to command a botnet of redneck-sounding imbeciles on lemmy, when they got half the American people parroting this bullshit through DECADES of their own misinformation?
CIA loves tankies. Once they’ve (the tankie reactionaries) destroyed a revolution and installed a corrupt kleptocracy in the orifice of it’s bloating corpse, the conditions are perfect for either restoration of the old - or for a supposedly people’s regime to exploit workers as bad as before.
Tankies are counter revolutionary reactionaries. GTFO.
Which is why a number of people here love to label all leftists as tankies.
Just the tankies from.what I’ve seen
Oh, so you’re one of the idiots shrieking about tankies? Funny how many of you are eager to make my post about you. You should try joining the CIA so you can actually get paid for it.
I thought I was already part of CIA
I didn’t say you were, you just volunteered by replying to my post being all offended that I mentioned the CIA. If you’re not employed by the CIA and if you’re not shrieking about tankies then why do you feel the need to make the post all about you?
Your tinfoil hat’s off. Better get that taken care of.
Your head must be up your ass to not have seen all the posts talking about tankies and the concerted upvoting and downvoting efforts that take place. I’m joking about the CIA, but there is certainly a push to witch hunt a strawman, likely to shape communities to the liking of those users brigading. Might just be reddit clowns wanting to make it like their previous home.
Its because we learned the lesson of history.
No revolutionary should trust a ML group.
ROFL. Again…. Get that hat back on.
If your stupid ass can’t see the replies to this post right now then that’s your problem.
Wait, you mean to tell me that it’s not possible that there could be more than one conspiracy nuttjob in a comment thread?
I must stand corrected immediately!
This reply you’re reading right now being downvoted to oblivion using a supposedly unwanted karma system.
Expressing our dislike is not the same as the karma system. My profile does not have a score that communities will use to discriminate against me and stifle my comments because I’m not popular enough. We should be able to express our dislike without having a giant thread of arguments over it.
Exactly; the main point of karma for Reddit doesn’t apply here, and there are options in apps to just show total score.
I use downvotes for two things: the person was, needlessly, a jackass, regardless of whether they’re right, or they’re wrong in such a way that I don’t have the energy/ability to sort that out (or just trolling). I’m sure others do the same for me, and that information should be available to others.
It’s still karmic if comments are sorted based on it.
You can change that to New and hide read comments. Or just keep scrolling and read comments as they are. Organization that can be changed is different from not even being able to comment.
Yeah, it’s not like there are many comments on Lemmy anyways.
True, but the effect is still there, you’re just hiding it in favor of another setting.
Besides sorting by age or number of replies, how else would you sort comments, and is that any better than using user generated scores?
It was never that I minded Lemmy’s karma system (assuming such a thing wasn’t in the wrong hands), it’s that, if others were said to have minded, you would’ve never guessed that if you signed up today, based on how it’s visibly used. Personally I always sort comments based on how new it is, with new ones showing at the top. I do this on every website I’m on, as well as upvote everything I interact with for memory’s sake. The thing is when you have any popularity-based system is, what exactly is being represented? Sometimes I go somewhere and the most popular example of something is at the top based on no discernable values, which also sometimes suggests something was amiss. How does one please anyone/anything where the interests are inconsistent? This problem does not exist on Reddit.
Also to note is that Reddit’s karma system, which includes the added user-generated score system on their profile that a subreddit can use to vet people, has served as a good tool against people making a presence only for the purpose of an agenda, whether it be marketing or targeting. It also was more complex than simply “upvote to nod, downvote to shake your head”. Reddit has things in place to prevent weaponization. Here it’s relatively simple.
How is this so? Everyone here has a karma score. I see mine, and everyone else’s when I look at their profile.
But those don’t do anything here. On reddit visibility is based on karma, with negative karma you get buried and your comment might even be auto-hidden¹. On Lemmy, all comments are visible all the time, including their vote ratio. There’s no ad based recommendation algorithm to please, so it’s not vital. So it’s more of an ad-hoc opinion poll on the comment content.
ADD¹: And to add, it might be auto-hidden against the viewing user’s will. Sometimes, even if you sorted by controversial and wanted actively to read comments with negative karma, you would have to manually unfold them one by one. This is reddit taking away the control from the user. It isn’t an option, it’s not a setting.
Ahh! Interesting. I didn’t see it that way or know that’s how it worked. Thanks for the response.
That is entirely dependent on what app you’re using. I can’t say for sure what the web browser looks like cause it never lets me log in. And it was made pretty clear that the “points” mean nothing, they are simply a byproduct of people wanting express their like or dislike and have no effect on your experience on Lemmy. Karma absolutely changed your Reddit experience.
Comments are still sorted on a post based on its points, hence it’s technically karmic. And would ya look at that, the seemingly-innocent-enough (to not expect fate to oblige) comment was no joke. It’s almost as if the originating source of visibly expressed opinion on a predictive basis works for me.
Comments are sorted however you want them to be.
But for those with the points-based sorting turned on, the effect will be the same for the person who has made comments for the very reason that there are those out there viewing them based on popularity. Karma posting requirements on Reddit aside, the same can be said about Reddit’s post popularity system.
Karma was more than just how many points your post or comment got, it was a system that was used against users and was meant to stifle discourse in the name of popularity. Being able to sort a post by highest voted comments is an option, but that does not come close to being a karma system. It’s a small similarity. I feel like of all the things to not like about Lemmy, upvotes is pretty small beans.
Any system where points mean something to someone’s ability to do something or to present themselves counts as a karma system.
How do the points have any affect on your ability to do anything on Lemmy?
Kids need karma to post or comment I guess. It’s gamification of social media.
I would have had points for each comments in a post, so it’s possible to order based on that, but absolutely no karma tied to accounts.
It’s still based on the karma system though, enough that many dub it one.